Now Hiring – Paralegal


Now Hiring – Paralegal

Ruben and Jordyn – Revelations and Interviews

I find the mature category very compelling and highly erotic when written the right way. I hope this follows suit. The thrill of the youth combined with the ability to keep a more mature and experienced person alive. This is a fictional story and one I wanted to try my hand at. I do hope you enjoy it.


To me Monday afternoons can be the harshest of all afternoons. The number of events or tasks I do or do not take on or participate in over the weekend will usually set the tone for me. At least that is how I see it and how I have felt for years. The harsher the weekend, the harsher Monday afternoons feel. There was a particular Monday afternoon several weeks ago that was highly troublesome. I had a rather busy weekend with some friends I had not seen in a while and well I was not rested when I returned to the office. Yes, I am to blame no one else.

I was sitting in my office reviewing the case of a lawsuit that was brought to us by a medically retired and Marine with a significant service connected disability. This Marine felt that she was terminated without cause and was being discriminated against based on her need for medical treatments and appointments by her previous employer. The employer terminated her for “taking advantage of the time off policy” and what they felt was “excessive time away from the job” absences.

My client had provided ample notification of medical appointments at the VA Hospital in Bedford to her first and second line supervisors as well as her manager; well within the company SOP. Even better for my client, she received and provided to me all email messages and the replies from both supervisors approving the medical appointments and time off. After four appointments over a nine week period she was terminated. Their reason was defined as excessive time away from the office for the aforementioned medical appointments. To me an easy win for this Marine.

What made this day so troubling? As I was making a few final notes in the case file when there was a knock at my door. I groaned and my door opened. Jordyn, our, I mean my, Paralegal, Administrative and Personal Assistant and whatever other titles I have for her, entered my office. She was carrying her planner, a new case file, and a file folder. She sat in the chair opposite my desk waiting for me to be finished.

Let me share a little background if you do not mind. Jordyn started with Jennifer and me shortly after we opened our business seven years ago. I had recently retired from the Army having served as long as my body would allow. First as a young grunt Lieutenant enduring several deployments after which I tried, never giving up then receiving my acceptance into law school. I completed my Army career serving in the JAG Corps both as a prosecutor and a defense attorney. It is the Army way. I retired from the Army at the ‘old age’ of 46. Now as I stretch towards the ‘over the hill’ age of 54 I am appreciative of life even more every day.

Jordyn’s emerald green eyes are what I really noticed when Jennifer introduced me to her. They were hidden behind the strands of her ginger hair that kept falling into her face. Her ginger red hair was the second thing I noticed. It was well past her shoulders coming down past her biceps. Lastly I noticed her petite frame. Jordyn was a thin, tiny girl standing only 5′ tall. Jennifer and I met her at the student hub at North Shore Community College. She and two others responded to an ad that Jennifer posted with the Career Services department. Jordyn was studying to be a Paralegal.

Jennifer handled most of the interview. I sat and listened interrupting when I needed to. Jennifer and I needed an Administrative Assistant which could grow into something with more responsibilities; a paralegal. We needed someone to answer phones, do some filing, and assist Jennifer with the books as a second set of eyes. We interviewed, or had conversations with three people and decided to hire Jordyn. She started part time until she finished her school work.

It was only a few months after Jordyn started working with us that we settled a significant case. That is when the celebrating ritual really started. It was Jennifer’s idea and I was okay with it.

Our ritual was simple. We would close the office, draw the blinds, lock the doors and have a few drinks. As time went on and the business was more successful, I rented the space across the hall and turned it into a lounge of sorts. A pool table, kitchenette and relaxing chairs and a sofa. It was in that room where Jennifer and I were caught red handed by Jordyn. Yes we were involved in a hot and heavy love session when she walked in which killed the mood for me at least. As time went on and other cases were won, we had drinks, played some pool while Jennifer, Jordyn and I flirted with each other a whole lot.

We got busier and busier with work. It was part way through escort gaziantep bayan a case which was overwhelming Jennifer that Jordyn was brought in to assist utilizing her skills and abilities as a now certified Paralegal.

There was a second instance when Jordyn walked in with Jennifer and me getting hot and heavy. It was Jennifer’s idea. She had a wild streak and it had returned. It didn’t bother me at all, as I was the recipient of spontaneous erotic sexual activities. I didn’t mind Jordyn standing there watching us as Jennifer swallowed a rather sizable load. Jordyn seemed to be embarrassed but that is when Jennifer brought her into our playtime. Jennifer simply stood up, walked over to her and engaged in one of the most erotic kisses I had witnessed in all my years. I could see the hesitation but there was the same amount of love, lust and excitement in Jordyn’s eyes.

Our celebration rituals really ramped up when we closed a lawsuit out of court. Jennifer outright invited Jordyn to join her on the couch. The sight of two gingers kissing was just erotic and super sensual. It was that day in which our relationship opened and Jordyn really became my and Jennifer’s personal assistant. Mind you it was never a dominant style relationship it was very two-way, consensual and erotic.

Our games were not always erotic and sexual in nature. Many times someone in the office would find their chair missing, their umbrella filled with shredded paper, their coffee cup filled with many many things but not coffee. One time, a certain someone found their phone screensaver changed to the nipple of a certain ginger that works in our office. We had fun, we teased each other and we did good things for those that needed our assistance and expertise.

Over the last few years Jordyn and I have really had fun with a game we play called ‘flinch’. I found that it just reduces the stress and lets us just have some fun. This was our typical dance that we established years ago. Jordyn waits on me, I wait on her. I smile internally just waiting. With as much subtlety as possible she covered her left hand today.

Earlier that morning, I noticed that she was now wearing an engagement ring. Her boyfriend, now fiancé, must have finally proposed this past weekend. They had been dating just less than two years. I am happy for Jordyn, she deserves the best. The troublesome part of my day would come soon. I have a feeling she would be resigning. After seven years, she is going to leave me, spread her beautiful wings and fly away to where the world awaits her. And so, our game of flinch continued.

I decided to lose this game and make it easier on her. Why? Well simply put I love her and although I torment her from time to time she is special to me. I do really love her. If I didn’t love and respect her, I would not have kept her as my Paralegal, Administrative and Personal Assistant for seven years. I closed the case file, set my pen down, took off my reading glasses and looked at Jordyn. I cleared my throat and asked, “When is your last day?”

Jordyn closed her eyes and lowered her head, her chin to her chest. She softly said “I will not leave you until my replacement is trained plus one week.” Jordyn looked up and straight into my eyes and continued “I owe you that much after all you’ve done for me. You and Jennifer brought me in, you both taught me, you helped me study, I am a professional today because of you and Jennifer. You gave me so much responsibility when she left us. Ruben, you gave me purpose! I will not leave you until my replacement is as proficient as I am. I will post the job tomorrow.”

“Okay, so no more about it. If you are happy, I am happy for you. No more other activities then as agreed.” She nodded as she handed me the file folder with her letter of resignation enclosed. “You better find your replacement in a timely manner.” I smiled but Jordyn really didn’t smile but there was a shift in her eyes and lips.

I asked her what was next. The case file she carried with her was a preliminary intake conversation. “It is another wrongful termination lawsuit this time an Air Force soldier was terminated because of the conversation he had at work”

“I wonder when it’s going to stop Jordyn.” I was being rhetorical but truly meant it. “I don’t want to stop. I need this kind of mistreatment to stop. “I smiled, “I will defend these men and women until my death but this stupidity needs to end.”

Jordyn nodded. I told her to post her job on the information boards in the local coffee shops or in the hub at our local community college. I was certain she would find her replacement and the same type of person I was looking for by putting it in one of those locations. She stood and left my office.

That was three weeks ago. It has been more than three weeks since my last physical, sexual and erotic encounter with Jordyn. There are no other women in my life. At gaziantep escort cim cif bayan 54 years ‘young’ I have my work and my erotic memories.

Present Day

It had taken me a few weeks to get this meeting scheduled with the CEO, CFO and the in-house corporate attorney. I thought this would be a rather slam dunk but as typical tight ass corporate people, it was another two weeks of negotiations. So here we are nine weeks after I thought I had finalized the case of my Marine client who was fired because she was going to the doctor, I was just leaving the last meeting with all contracts signed.

I walked out of a meeting and sent Jordyn a text, “Leaving the meeting … all went well. Call our Marine and ask her to come to the office.”

It was a short drive across town from their corporate office to mine near Whipple Hill, in Lexington, MA. It was at most twenty minutes but like everything in the Boston metro area it is all traffic dependent. I pulled into the building garage just a little later than expected. I parked then walked up the one flight of steps passing the security guard, into the first floor lobby and then down the hall to my office.

Allow me to paint a picture for your mind’s eye. I work in a standard multi office building. The foyer is an open area with a security desk. There are the standard almond colored painted walls. My hallway is the same color with industrial type carpeting that has a nice brownish earth tone to it. Scattered on the walls are a few hand drawn sketches of beach scenes that lighten the atmosphere. I am the last door on the left and rent the two adjoining offices of both sides of the hall. I do not need six offices; I like space. The rent isn’t too expensive but I like space. I have that end of the building for privacy.

The three offices on the right side of the hall houses the pool table, a kitchenette with almost all appliances needed, electric not gas, which I prefer, seating for six around a glass top table, a couch and a few wireless speakers for listening to music. This is the “time to relax room”. The room I come to when either I celebrate or need to unwind. When I need to get away from it all. With the added benefit this room looks out over Whipple Lake. No one can see in and the view is calming. That is important when I have my alone time with Jordyn. It was used a lot more when Jennifer was with us. She was the wild one of the group.

On the left side, well that is the work space, my office, Jordyn’s office and our conference room which was previously Jennifer’s office. It now contains some of my study materials and books as well as a refrigerator and an eight person conference table. Jordyn has a nice large bright space. The main entrance opens into her space which also acts as the waiting area containing her desk, and six chairs for clients and visitors. My office is at the end of the hall and has a private hallway entrance. Inside I have a small table which is usually filled with crap, a couch, a coffee pot, small refrigerator, too many bookshelves which are filled with reference materials and finally a lockable cabinet that holds my liquor.

There are a few sketches that adorn my walls. Hiding out of sight is a framed award and a shadow box containing a folded American Flag. There is a small brass plate with the inscription “Flown at half-mast in remembrance of those members of 1st PLT, C CO, 1/22 INF DIV. Operation Ivy Serpent Mosem, Iraq 2003”

Walking into my office via the private entrance and not wanting to startle Jordyn, I sent a text, “I’m back, let me know when she is here.” I sat at my desk, laid out the folders, double checked that the contracts were signed and in order. I placed sticky tabs for where our Marine will need to sign so that we can then have them notarized and filed properly. One copy to the company, one for me and one for my Marine.

My phone chirped, a text from Jordyn, “Client is here, can we come back?” I responded with a check mark. I stood waiting for them to arrive. I am smiling as I get to present our Marine some great news today.

Jordyn escorted our client into my office then offered her a chair opposite me. Jordyn took the chair next to her. As we all sat I started explaining. “As you are aware, they finally agreed to settle out of court knowing full well and good what they did was illegal and morally wrong. After a few weeks of negotiations and providing them your email, the numerous EEOC policies and laws regarding discrimination I shared, they just had no choice.”

Here it comes, the news, good, bad and great. “So, the bad news first. They are not going to rehire you but there is good and great news.” I paused and waited for her to relax.

“Once you agree to and sign the settlement, your HR file will not show termination. Your reason for separation from the company will be listed as Resignation in Good Standing.” cinsel bilgiler I waited for her to nod in agreement and understanding.

“Okay, the good news. You will receive all back pay, the balance of your accrued vacation and sick time as well as two years of severance. The back pay and PTO will be immediately deposited. The severance will be paid as if you were a regular employee deposited bi-weekly into your account as we agreed. This will happen upon receipt of their copy of the signed contract”

She nodded.

Now for the great news, “I negotiated a ‘pain and suffering’ damage amount in total of $125,000 to be paid in five equal payments over twenty months following your severance ending.” I paused, “Lastly, they have agreed and have signed an affidavit attached to the agreement in which they will pay all legal fees owed to me. You are free and clear from this company with no repercussions once you sign these copies.”

I took a deep breath, “Do you have any questions? This is what you asked for and more.”

I waited, and waited, it may have only been 15 or 30 seconds but it seemed like it took forever. Then it finally happened, tears. Tons of them. And this is why I have Jordyn in the office with me. She is the physical supporting employee. It is her turn now. This is why I pay her a silly amount of money. I do not deal with emotions. That is her job. That will make it almost impossible to replace her.

I stood, “Jordyn will walk you through where you need to sign on the documents. There are three copies of which you will get one once notarized. Any questions do not hesitate to call Jordyn.”

I looked at Jordyn and told her I would be next door and left my office for the lounge across the hall. I made a cup of coffee and waited on Jordyn.


I will say that this part of my job isn’t always the best. The mundane paperwork that Ruben leaves me to handle. I have so many more skills than that but I truly love what I do. I am excited as hopefully this afternoon Ruben will read me like he used to and allow us to enjoy some time in the lounge. It isn’t the same without Jennifer but time with Ruben still gets my juices flowing, my heart still beats with a pace that though I love Matthew he doesn’t ramp me up like Ruben does.


It was less than 30 minutes later when Jordyn walked into the room. She stood next to me offering to fill my coffee cup which I readily accepted. I truly missed our previous case celebrations.

“Everything is signed and filed locked up for me to get notarized tomorrow and then for filing.” Jordyn shared waking from my daydream.

I started rambling, “Do you remember the days when our celebrations really started? We would celebrate the successes of a closed case and a client taken care of.” I continued without hearing Jordyn respond. “We would come in here rack up the pool balls and play a few games of nine-ball, have a few drinks. We would open up the couch, fold out the bed, have another drink, and you and Jennifer curl up on the bed with me and we would just enjoy each other. Letting the stress and emotions of the past weeks or months dedicated to a case just wash away.”

Jordyn responded, “And we loved it when you allowed us to play with you.”

She continued, “We would get naked and tangled up just enjoying each other and celebrating. Then we would jump to the next case.”

I took a last sip of my coffee and said, “After Jennifer passed away, case celebrations weren’t as fun, were they?” I paused, “Jordyn, I will miss you when you are gone. I hope you know I really do love you and love our time together. It has been too long since we have had that kind of fun. Agree?”

It had actually only been two years since Jennifer left us but it seemed like forever. Jordyn smiled as best as she could then nodded.

I stood looking at Jordyn, “Now we just go back to it. Two interviews tomorrow? 9:00 and 3:00?” She nodded and I was pretty certain I saw a tear or two in her eyes. I stood, as cold as it seemed, I simply walked back to my office, closing the door. Jennifer is still gone and now Jordyn is engaged. She will be leaving soon.

After another hour of reading case files, I sent Jordyn a message, “Lock up the office. You can leave if you want. I am going to have a drink or two then take a car service home. I might even sit here and read or do some research.”

I saw my message marked as “read” and a few minutes later Jordyn walked into my office asking for the key to my liquor cabinet. Taking the key Jordyn said “If I have told you once, I have told you more than one hundred times in the past five years, I promised her you would never drink alone. May I join you?”

I smiled at the smirk on her face. “I never mind you joining me for a drink. It is always pleasurable when we sit and chat. Will your fiancé mind?”

“Matthew knows I have duties that require odd hours at times. He knows my role might require me to have a drink or two while with clients of others. What he doesn’t know and doesn’t need to know that one of my favorite duties is being your lover and occasionally other things we enjoy.”

“Jordyn, we did agree that when he proposed those duties would end.” I paused contemplating finishing my thought, and then I did. “It has been a little while hasn’t it?” I winked.

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