Daughters of Harmonia Pt. 02


Zeus said nothing as he guided her by the hand out of the conference room and back down the escalator. They took a turn and went deeper into the bowels of the convention center. There was a hallway with men in the white tees and black pants at each doorway. Zeus led her to one and opened it and led her inside. They both ignored the door slave. Zeus probably because he was supposed to or something, but Keli because she was mortified about what she was contemplating and barely noticed the guy.

She was conscious, hyper-conscious, of the fact that she, a fully dressed white woman, was walking with him, a completely naked and exquisite black man, with a magnificent cock in restraint, and the social implications of such a sight. She was thankful the convention center was completely deserted. Except for the other slaves, or Subs, and it disturbed her that she already didn’t really care what they thought. They were of this already. They could not have a judgment about her behavior. Was her mind adapting to this new normal? Is that, a new normal, what it was?

The inside of the room was furnished with a big bed dressed in white sheets and an expensive looking comforter. There was a chest at the foot of it and she could only imagine what was in it. Light emitted from expensive looking lamps on the nightstands. There was a bathroom with a full shower attached, fully stocked with thick towels and toiletries, as well as a walk in closet. A fridge was in the corner. Zeus closed the door behind them, released her hand, and turned to face her then pointed his eyes at the floor.

“Can you be regular?” Keli asked him and she realized he could be whatever he wanted right now. He looked like three hundred pounds of muscle and rage. Any power she supposedly had over him was an illusion, present only because he allowed it. He could snap her like a twig if he wanted to.

“I will endeavor to be whatever you please Mistress.” That voice, so deep. He should be peddling a quiet thunderstorm on some radio station.

“Call me Keli and forget you are a slave for now. I met Elaine this morning and this is all a little crazy to me.”

“I would imagine.” Zeus was still looking at the floor.

“Come on, shake it off. I want some real talk. You are not my slave, or Sub, or whatever. Just relax and be a regular dude for a minute.”

“A regular dude,” he said and chuckled. His white teeth flashed brilliantly in his mouth. “Please be more specific with your commands.”

“I mean sit down, take a load off, chill, look me in the eye and talk to me.”

“Okay,” he said and sat down on the bed. He had to pull his large constrained package up so he didn’t sit on part of it. His big black hands manipulating it affected her and she took a deep breath. His legs were spread to accommodate the rest of it. He looked her in the eyes expectantly.

“Here, take that thing off.” Keli handed him the key and he inserted it in the padlock and unlocked it. He gingerly slid the cage off the end of his cock and set it on the bed next to him. His dick seemed to fatten even more as it was released. He then unclasped the large ring that went around his cock and balls and lifted the heavy sack and removed the ring. He put the ring on the bed next to the cage. His soft but huge cock, dangling between his muscled thighs, was distracting but she tore her eyes away from it and looked him in his beautiful eyes. “So who were you before all this?”

“I was Zeus Alonzo Johnson, personal trainer, dietitian, Marine, misogynist, racist, gigolo, convict, warrior, criminal, and addict.”

“That sounds rehearsed.”

“I’ve had some time to think about it, and you aren’t the first initiate to ask.”

“Oh really, are you part of Elaine’s plan?”

“Her plan?”

“To get me to join this sisterhood.”

“You think you are being recruited?”

“She said as much.”

“Okay.” He raised his eyebrows.


“In my experience they try to weed women out, not in.”

“How do you mean?”

“I mean that initiates earn their way in. If you decide to become a part of this, and I recommend it, get ready to work, step way outside your comfort zone, and earn your bona fides.”

“You recommend it?”

“I do. I recommend it to both men and women. I am happier now than I ever have been.” He smiled and looked sincere as he said it.

“You are a black man, a slave to a white person, and happy about it?”

“Slave,” he chuckled. “I am submissive to her, as I should be because she is more powerful than me, but I am no slave.”

“You have to do what she says.”

“I am happy to do as she says. It has never failed to be the right course of action. When I did as I pleased people were hurt, I was hurt, nothing good came of it. Today, everything I do makes the world a better place.”

“She told you to do anything I tell you to. You’ll do that?”

“I will. As long as it does not cause permanent injury to you, others, or myself.”

“That’s the rule?”

“It is.” He nodded and flashed his brilliant teeth at her.

“What Kurtköy Fetiş Escort if I asked you to do something you couldn’t bring yourself to do?”

“Like what?”

“Have sex with someone you are not attracted to, an ugly woman, a man, something like that.”

“I find all women attractive, young, old, skinny, fat, the female body, in all its forms and stages, is sensual art to be admired, worshiped, and serviced. As for men, I am not sexually attracted to them, but I have had sex with men, either to punish them, or on rare occasions, to punish me. It helps to close my eyes. It is difficult to distinguish between the ministrations of a man or woman with your eyes closed.”

“Will you lie to Elaine if I ask you to?”

“No, never.”

He got serious when he said it. No flash of brilliant white teeth. She suspected that would be the answer but she needed to test his limits. She was also thinking ahead. Elaine told her she needed to be unfaithful to Jake to be a part of this thing. Keli was certain she could go through the motions, eventually, but she was fairly certain that Elaine expected her to do so now, here in the fun room, with Zeus. Keli wondered if they could not and say they did. That option was clearly off the table.

“Elaine expects me to have sex with you.” She knew she had a worried expression on her face and he noticed it.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want. If you don’t find me attractive I could arrange another Sub for you.”

“Find you attractive? You think I don’t find you attractive? No woman alive wouldn’t find you attractive.”

“There are some. Black men are not all women’s cup of tea regardless of the hype. Have you ever been with a black man?”

“I have been with five men in my whole life, and no, none of them were black. One of them was Puerto Rican though. He was a freak.”

He chuckled and nodded. “Puerto Rican girls are too. I’m not trying to be racist, maybe some fuck normal, but the ones I have been with, and there have been quite a few, were definitely freaks.”

They both laughed and then Keli got serious. “So, do you want to have sex?”

“Very much so.”

“With me?”

“Very much so.” He said and his eyes went down to his crotch. Her eyes followed his. She had been trying hard to not even glance at it as they spoke. She tried to ignore her peripheral vision. Now she looked at it and it was engorged, the skin was tight around it, his foreskin was pulled back and halfway down the fat head. It was enormous. A solid four inches longer and an inch or two thicker than Jake by her visual estimation.

“Sweet Jesus,” she whispered and felt her slickness thicken at her core. This was a big man.

“I can be very gentle,” he said and his rich voice got a couple octaves deeper, huskier, sexier.

“I’m still not sure if I should.”

“You could take that dress off, we could just lay together, see what develops.”

“Yeah, we could,” she whispered more to herself than him. Her mind raced with all the possibilities of what might develop. In her mind she saw his dark skin pressed against hers, Her small frame dwarfed by his large one. Her blonde hair fanned out across his black abdomen. Her soft pink lips sliding up and down his hard purple dick. More wetness gushed from her core to fill her drooling hole.

There was something going on in her brain. Some chemical was being released that prevented her from thinking straight. Just a couple hours ago nothing like this was even within the realm of possibilities. She was not just considering being unfaithful to her husband, she was now in a state where she could not see how to avoid it. In her life she had never been this aroused.

“Can I help you?” he asked as he rose to his feet. His rigid cock stood out from his middle, there was no bounce, it was as hard as she had ever seen a cock get. She could hang a saddle off it and it would not droop. He stepped toward her and she stepped back quickly. He halted his advance.

“No, no, I shouldn’t, fuck, I’ll do it. Just lay back on the bed and I’ll join you when I am ready.”

Fuck! What did she just say? She spooked like a wild animal when he stepped toward her and that embarrassed her. She recovered clumsily by agreeing to his idea and committing to laying in bed naked with him. She had not completely thought that out, not as much as she wanted to. She watched as he backed up and onto the bed. He slid his muscular frame back along the sheets until his back was propped against the headboard. Time slowed as she watched his right hand moved down and grasp his cock a few inches above the bare base and he skinned it back so his bulbous head was bare. She felt her hand rise up behind her back and take hold of the zipper of the dress.

She tugged it down and she realized she was about to be naked in front of a man that wasn’t her husband for the first time in years. Jake was a dick lately but he didn’t deserve this. Maybe he did, but not without some conversation. She could do this but not without being straight Kurtköy Gecelik Escort up about it. She felt her hand tug the zipper back up her back and she took a step back away from that big bed full of big man, and what she suspected would have been a very pleasurable time.

“I can’t do this,” she said.

“That’s okay. You don’t have to.” Deep voice, so smooth, she wanted him badly.

“I have to go.” She took another step back from the bed and toward the door.

“Will you go and speak to Mistress Elaine before you go?”

“Tell her I said thanks, but no thanks.”

Keli felt her chin tremble as she turned away from that magnificent man, grabbed her purse, and walked out of the fun room. She ignored the slave at the door again and headed for the exit of the convention center. When she got to the exit that door slave held it open for her. She was broke, and she had to get home. Her car was at Starbucks. Fuck. What was she doing. She should go back in there and explain to Elaine what she was feeling but she couldn’t. She failed their test and she could not meet Elaine’s critical glare. She did not want to unpack the feelings she was having and Elaine seemed the type to dig through anything to get to the truth.

“Will this help?” the door slave asked. Keli looked at him and he was holding out a hundred dollar bill.

“What’s that for?”

“Cab fare. Sister Mistress Elaine left it with me to give to you if you needed it.”

Goddamn fucking bitch knew it. Keli snatched the bill out of the slave’s hand and walked away from the convention center. There were no cabs in sight but she needed to be away from here. Was this a mistake? She walked down the street and around a corner so she could no longer see the convention center and anybody there could not see her either. She wondered if anybody there even cared enough to bother watching her slink away.

Why? Why did she leave? Her marriage? Her marriage had obvious flaws, probably fatal flaws. They married to young, while they were still changing, maturing, developing separate interests. She felt the weight of the opportunity she was leaving behind as she forced her thousand dollar shoes to walk even farther away from the convention center. It was done. She did not fuck Zeus and she felt the wetness the mere prospect of doing so created between her legs as she walked. She saw a cab and hailed it. It pulled up alongside her and she got in and directed the driver to take her to Starbucks.

At Starbucks she paid with the hundred, got her change, then drove her car to the boutique where they gave her the clothes. She had to find parking because her Honda was no Bugatti. She was no longer at the convention to model their clothes so they would not make their money back. She explained the situation and felt her chin trembling as she was guided to a dressing room where she could change out of the clothes and put her yoga pants, tee shirt, and sneakers back on.

“I will tell her,” Norman was saying into a phone when she stepped out of the dressing room. “Okay, yes Ms. Oppleheimer, I understand.” Norman was looking at her as he spoke and he snapped his fingers and one of the other men in the shop took the exquisite clothes and shoes from Keli. “I thank you again and look forward to seeing you the next time you are in town.”

He was talking to Elaine, about her, and Keli felt her heart start to race. It was inexplicable to Keli why this woman, that she knew for less than a day, had such an effect on her. Keli didn’t want what she was offering, so why was she so nervous about disappointing her? Keli wanted to walk straight out of the store but felt like she needed to say something, express her gratitude and regret, to Norman before she left. Norman decided to call Elaine and tell on her though. Maybe Norman should go fuck himself. She wasn’t sure her thinking was correct. Did Norman deserve her ire? Fuck it. Keli dropped her eyes and made for the door. Norman hung up the phone and raised his hand.

“Ms. Keli,” Norman said and he was so polite, so formal, she couldn’t bring herself to walk past him without a word.

“Thank you for the clothes, and I am sorry it didn’t work out.”

“You may keep the clothes with our compliments,” Norman said with a kind smile. “I am having them boxed for you.”

“No, please, you’ve been so nice. I couldn’t.”

“We insist Ms. Keli. Once the clothes have been worn I could not sell them anyway.”

“Did Elaine, Mrs. Oppleheimer say to do that?”

“She seemed indifferent as to what we did regarding the clothes. I merely called her to relieve her of her obligation to promote us at her function.”


“That is my assessment, yes.”

“She told you to tell me something.”

“She said I should tell you that you have made a huge mistake.”

“That’s it? That’s all she said to say?”

“I am afraid so.”

“That doesn’t sound like indifference to me Norman.”

“She was indifferent regarding what to do with the clothes. She was not indifferent Kurtköy Genç Escort regarding you.”

“What else did she say?”

“I will paraphrase. She thinks less of you now than she did before.”

“I see,” Keli said and accepted a fancy shop bag with the clothes and shoes in it. “How much was all this?”

“Twenty-four hundred dollars, not including tax.”

“Sweet Jesus. Norman, I’d like to pay you back for your kindness, but I don’t have it like that.”

“It’s quite alright Ms. Keli. I am not sure what transpired between you and Mrs. Oppleheimer, but she is a good customer, and her friends are good customers, the profits we make from this function will absorb the loss.”

“Still it’s a loss, and I am very sorry. I shouldn’t have accepted the clothes if I couldn’t pay for them.”

“It was an investment on our part. Investments involve risk.” Norman shrugged and smiled his kind smile. “You too could take some cards if you like,” he added like an afterthought.

“I would love to Norman, but I don’t roll in the kind of circles that can afford to shop here.”

“People are rarely aware of the true caliber of those surrounding them. Let’s do this, leave me your number and take ten cards. You distribute them for me and I will call you when any come in. If just three come in I will invite you back to choose another outfit and take more cards.”


“Indeed,” Norman said and nodded.

She took the cards he wrote her name on and left her number. She wasn’t sure if he did it to make her feel better or if he really thought she knew anybody who could afford to pay a thousand dollars for shoes. There was her boss, maybe some of his higher level execs, they were mostly men, but she rarely had any face to face contact with their wives or girlfriends for them to see her in the dress. She would hand out the cards, whatever, and maybe Norman would get a customer he wouldn’t otherwise. It did make her feel better.

Right now she needed to feel way better though. She needed to feel the kind of better that only a hard dick could provide. Zeus, the magnificent angles of his chiseled face and frame more specifically, were still on her mind. There was no way she could not address the level of arousal he brought her too. It was not going to be ecstasy that Zeus could bring her, but Jake was going to have to make the attempt. She also had to address why her card was maxed out too. First she needed the other seen to. She dug her phone out of her purse and called him as she drove.

“Hey Babe,” he answered. She could hear the music playing on his laptop in the background.

“I need you to listen to me very carefully Jake,” she said and she tried to put steel in her voice the way Elaine did when she spoke.

“Okay,” he replied and she recognized the change iof tone in his voice. He drew the word out like he was unsure of what was going on now. To Keli that meant he detected the steel in her voice. He was not used to her speaking to him like that.

“How long has it been since you showered?”

“Couple days.”

“I am on my way home Jake. By the time I get there I want you to be showered, shaved, and manscaped. Do you understand?”

“We going to have sexy time?” His voice sounded chipper now and that was the right reaction but not the one she wanted. His voice was deep and masculine but nothing like Zeus’s. If she could not stop comparing him to Zeus, Jake was in trouble, and their marriage was a steaming pile shit.

“If you do as you are told, and make sure you are presentable by the time I get there, I am going to allow you to be of service to me. If you are not presentable by the time I arrive we are going to have a major fucking problem.”

She hung up the phone before he could question her tone and pointed her car toward home. It was a fifteen minute drive usually but she drove slowly to give him more time. He would need to shave the hair off his face, cock, and balls, then shower, and that could take longer than fifteen minutes because of how much he had let himself go. She drove with her left hand while her right delved into her yoga pants and rubbed her inflamed clitoris.

She was vaguely aware that she was not thinking clearly. She was mad at herself for how she handled the whole situation. She should have said something before she left. Elaine was nothing but kind to her and Keli left, slunk out, like a coward. Regardless of her tone, her strength, Keli should have faced her. Elaine, and her fellow Sisters and Daughters, probably detested weak women. Keli was detesting herself right now and she was going to take it out on her husband.

That felt right. He was basically freeloading for a year now. He was full of excuses and pride and she spent the last year trying to figure out how to address it gently. All her attempts had resulted in tantrums. His tantrums were the screaming at her that she didn’t understand some aspect of his troubles type. He never hit her, or called her names, but he was passive aggressively insulting when he could be. He lorded his college degree over her because she did not finish hers. He made offhand comments about her job as an assistant, and found it difficult to say executive assistant without chuckling. He conveniently ignored the fact that she made more money without a college degree than he did with one.

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