BDSM Beach Vacation Pt. 04


Her face again a mess of sweat, tears, and cum she looked so animal like it was intoxicating. As her tongue licked fervently at my hot salty gift, I quickly reattached her leash and pulled her up to her knees and then a short walk to the surf. I walked her right into the inch deep shallows of the incoming tide and gave a light tug at her leash. “Now you can pee slut.”

“Oh, thank God. Thank you, Sir” she said spreading her legs a bit further. Letting out a deep moan she began to release the pressure she had been temporarily distracted from. Like turning on a garden hose at full blast and crimping the line over and over every five seconds so was the pressure that escaped her into the surf.

“Molly you are a hot mess,” I laughed as she finished and looked up at me, her face still covered in a mixture of our fluids. “Let’s take a dip and you can clean off a bit.”

“Um…Sir, it’s pitch black out there… I…I can’t see a thing,” she stammered, questioning how serious I was. She had never been to the ocean before let alone naked in the dark of night.

“Listen slut, you will be just fine. You can hold on to me and it’s not like you’re going far as long as I have this,” I shook the leash still attached to her collar. “Now be a good little bitch…Come!” I snapped the end of my words in coordination with my grip on her leash pulling her torso forward a bit with the tug. She followed me into the unknown…it wasn’t the first time.

Soon we were floating out amongst the waves but I continued out further to get beyond the breaker waves and where the sand shelf beneath my feet began to drop off. She could no longer touch the bottom and held tightly to my side at first treading water.

“Ok now I want you to get your own feel of swimming in this. Do a few tight circles swimming around me. You will feel better.”

“Ohhhh Sir, can’t I just hold onto you?

“You can, yes. But I am TELLING you to swim. Leash remember? Go on now.”

She let go and slowly started to swim just feet away. After a few circles she went a bit further until I could feel slight tension on the leash at ten feet.

“Ok, come here bitch, ” I called out with a smile. She was quickly at my side again, smiling herself.

“That felt sooo good,” she squealed a bit at me.

“Just wanted you to see for yourself. You won’t be wearing the leash out there tomorrow. You just have to trust me silly.”

“I know,” she looked down ashamed and I placed my hand under her chin lifting her to my gaze.

“You don’t have to be afraid of the dark,” I whispered in her ear. She ran her thin little fingers down my side until she found a handful of cock and gripped accordingly,” Not with you around, I don’t have to.” We kissed and held each other tightly. It truly was like an abyss…just the faint light pointing to shore and the faint lights of the stars far overhead. It is an experience like none other and far too powerful to express through words alone.

After a bit we swam back to shore, we gathered our things, flung our towels over our shoulders and walked hand in hand back down the shoreline in search of the path back to camp.


“Yes slut.”

“That salt water put a serious sting to those marks you left on my ass. I was on fire under water there for a bit.” She sighed softly, “got totally numb after a bit, I honestly can’t feel the marks at all now. Are they still there?”

I lowered my hand down her back over one side and then the other of her ass. “Definitely still there, but the salt water tends to help things heal faster.”

“Hmm…ok, I was just hoping I might still have a few lines…one or two that would still show tomorrow outside of my bikini bottom. I know you don’t want to draw too much attention…I, well I just thought it might be nice for a least one or two pictures. You know to remember the moment.”

“We’ll see slut. We shall see.”

Neither of us wrapped in our towels since there was really no point at this hour and, if a dark figure loomed down the path, we had plenty of time to pull a towel around. Getting back to the campsite we dropped off most of our things and took our towels with us the short distance past the bathrooms to the showers.

The showers, set up like a four square, had two wooden doors on one side and two on the other. The wooden doors just stayed in place with a simple metal latch once inside. They started about a foot off the ground and came up to about a foot over my head. The walls of the shower were cement, but again only came up so high as a couple feet above my head and were open at the top with the roof several feet above that with dirty skylights to provide more light. It would be easily possible to reach your hand up over the wall to hand a bottle of shampoo to the person showering next to or in front of you. And while the noise the shower gave off was considerable, it was easy to hear a mixture of conversations from the other stalls and people outside. The shower itself was a simple nozzle pointing straight down maybe a foot gaziantep escort above my head with a rope-pull to turn on and off the water. The water itself was normally cold or at least room temperature and typically a shock, albeit often a pleasant one in the heat. At this point in the middle of the night there were no people, no sounds save for crickets and small frogs and it was like walking into a small darkroom. Only a small bit of soft light crawled into the shower from under the door. The shower space itself was about four to five feet in either direction, with a concrete floor save for a small wooden lattice in the center of the floor for water to drain down.

Though I knew I had very little in the way of cum left in my balls to release for hours, we needed a good sleep and as much rest as possible before that sun came up.

It needed to be quick, hard and forceful if I was going to squeeze one last release from my body that night. After turning on the shower, I grabbed for her naked wet body in the darkness. Pushing her front up against the clammy hard surface of the wall I held her wrists up high above her body as my other hands caressed down her sides, her ass, and her inner thighs.

“Sir, do you really wa…” she mumbled quickly with her left cheek pressed firmly against the cold cement wall.

“Not a word slut…just close your eyes. There is nothing to see here,” I laughed a bit as I slid my fingers up from her thighs into her waiting lips. There truly was nothing to see, just an excuse to let other senses take over.

The contrast between the firm way I pressed her against the wall with my hand and my chest and the soft smooth motion of my fingers working her below must have been amazing. I would collect a palm full of fresh cold water every minute and work some of that clean water up into her, washing her lips and insides of any extra salt or sand that might be lingering. For as much of her juices I was washing away the effect on her senses was stirring up more.

She attempted to arch her butt higher towards me, “Cock. Please Sir, your cock…” But I held her firmly in place and the only small amount she could move was in the raising of her legs on tippy toes to allow her a small arch at her pelvis. Feeling me pressed hard against her right ass cheek, she knew it could not be much longer. Indeed within minutes I grabbed my stiff penis and slapped it against her ass with everything I had. The sound my cock made on her ass echoed a bit against the walls mixing with the sound of falling water.

I slide myself down between her thighs and used my swollen head to continue the rubbing. I could feel her wet heat and I needed to feel more. I pushed myself into her wet hole until I could feel her back wall…I still wasn’t standing up completely straight yet and I felt like I could pick her up with my cock alone.

I took one or two more slow deep thrusts into her aching pussy and then brought her wrists down behind just above that arch above her ass and then grabbed her right hip with a grip sure to leave bruises. Slam! My whole body crashed into her small form lifting her up a bit and compressing her into the wall. Slam!

“Ahhhhhhh…” she gulped down her cry.

Slam! Slam! Slam!

“Oh, oh ,ohhh…” small gasps of air carrying bits of her voice traveled out but she was spent. Her energy was almost completely gone save for the occasional grip her pussy gave to me in sweet embrace. I knew she didn’t even possess the energy to ask to cum.

I paused for five seconds, “If you can still hear me in there…cum. Cum…and cum again.”

Slam! Slam! Slam!

She moaned and flexed against my throbbing cock. I felt as if I was going to mold her in to the wall, with each push her breasts were pulled up and down with her torso against the cold hardness, her arms still held lay limp behind her, and her legs no longer held her up but simply kept her stable against the cool cement. Working and kneading her soft drooping body like clay, I continued to press into her until at last I released my last drop against her cervix.

As my cock began to lose its stiffness and slip free from the sloppy wet mess that was her pussy, I attempted to move back but quickly regained my grip upon her sides catching her before her body crumpled completely to the wet ground below. Soft unintelligible murmurs escaped her as she breathed but I had to hold her up.

Leaning her against my body I walked us into the full hard stream of the water. I washed her flaccid tired body with one hand while holding her against me with the other. I did my best to clean her and then turned off the water. Still leaning against me she made a small effort to stand on her own as I dried her off and wrapped a towel around her. I had barely enough time to cinch a towel around my waist before she began to drop off again leaning against the door.

I held her and opened the door welcoming the soft lights of the outdoors with my still adjusting eyes. I cradled konya escort her back, lifted her legs, and with her arms wrapped just slightly around my neck I carried her the short distance back to the tent.

I laid her limp body down unto the comforters, set our towels out on the park bench next to our tent to dry, zipped the flap, and drew a blanket over our tired naked bodies and awaited the sleep I needed so desperately. I curled up next to her, and draped my arm over her already fast asleep body. My hand cupped her breasts and pulling her back flat against my chest, my head fell upon the pillow and in minutes I too was in deep slumber.

I awoke in the morning early as the sun quickly makes a greenhouse out of a tent there at the beach. Typically it would be customary for Molly to wake up with an alarm when we slept together and begin our day by crawling under the covers and slowly and sweetly putting me into her mouth and sucking me awake.

But I was up and she was still dead asleep and since I needed to let my cock rest a bit I got up, threw on some beige board shorts and a linen white button down, and went out to the park bench next to the tent to sit and meditate a bit.

It was a beautiful morning and, while I was still a bit tired, I felt refreshed. I gazed up at a pair of quarreling seagulls and breathed deep the fresh salt air that felt like home. A person here or a couple there would come heading towards the bathrooms or the showers to start their day. Within about a half an hour I heard the zipper of the tent and saw her face poke out with half open eyes scanned the surroundings for me.

“Morning doll face. Sleep well?”

“(deep yawn) Yes… I think I did, don’t remember much after we left the boardwalk coming back last night.” She crawled out wrapped in a towel and sat beside me.

“We took a shower before bed.”

“A shower…hmmm, did we? We did didn’t we?” Her brain slowly grinding the gears into movement and I could see as her eyes widened a bit it was coming back to her. “We…we fucked in the shower right?”

“Yep. Pinned you right up against the wall. Had to carry you back…you were a bit dazed.”

“I should say…” she opened her towel a bit to look herself over, slight finger tip sized bruise marks on her hip, a bit of bruising around her wrists as well. “And my ass?” she inquired as she stood and turned away from me lifting her towel so I could examine her back side.

“Just barely, not much to see I’m afraid,” I snickered at her knowing she wanted them to still be obvious.

“Awww…but my new bikini…the pictures. Fuck.” She sat down in a huff.

I tried to speak of other things but it was clear her mood was going to be sour for a bit unless I acted quickly.

“Molly…in the tent. I want to see you in your new bathing suit, come on.” We climbed back into the hot tent and she fumbled through her clothes bag and pulled out a thin burgundy top that strung up around the neck and back and then a tight little pair of burgundy bottoms that made a nice triangle in the front down to the gap between her legs and in the back covered just less than half of each ass cheek.

“Hmm…” I scratched my chin and looked her over with a stern face. “No that won’t do at all.” She looked back almost in tears. I don’t know how long she spent picking out the perfect bikini but now, in her mind, she was facing total failure. I leaned in studying her backside a bit more, “You’re right… it still needs a little something…extra. Elbows and knees slut.”

All at once it hit her, she dropped to the ground and turned to stare up at my with a huge smile.

“Let’s not be noisy now slut. There are families and little children about,” I said with a stern way but with a grin on my face. I pulled out the small bamboo cane we had cut and sanded ourselves and proceeded to give her ten hard lashings over her ass. Each strike leaving behind a white line whiter than her skin that quickly transformed to glowing red. I crept back to examine my work but it was still off colored from the light of the tent.

“Let’s have a look outside.” And we crept out of the tent to stand fully again and I gazed at her body a full once over with my eyes. “Now, that my dear is the ass of an owned woman. Now go get into your sun dress, the light purple one. We need to get some breakfast.”

“Thank you Sir, thank you thank you…” she trailed off as she bounced back into the tent happy as could be. She emerged wearing a light purple sun dress made out of a thin terry cloth sort of fabric that hugged her upper torso but sort of got wavy and open as it reached her hips and widened a bit more as it came to an end half way down her thighs.

We climbed in the car and headed down to where the ferries to Ocracoke Island dock. They come every forty five minutes or so and we arrived just minutes after the last ferry had left. Perfect for my plan. You park your car in the line to get aboard the next ferry and then there on the property is kayseri escort a pile of small shops connected together with a harbor for smaller boats. Included in these shops in a small cafe where we ordered up some breakfast sandwiches and a couple of coffees.

Taking our food to some outside tables we could look off into the harbor and watch the ships come and go and we lazily enjoyed our meal. We chatted about the night before and the fun we had on the way down. Still reliving the moment that man walked into the bathroom on us. We chuckled and enjoyed a nice smoke with the last of our coffee. I was literally yawning smoke rings as she laughed and came over to rub my shoulders. It was so relaxing and I couldn’t have cared if I stayed there all day, but in short time a horn began to blare out over the complex alerting us that the next ferry had arrived.

Back in the car we followed the slow train of cars onto the ferry and in short time we were on our way. Since the ferry takes about forty five minutes we walked around on the deck watching Hatteras island slowly fade away behind us.

We arrived at the shore of Ocracoke island and headed down the thirteen mile stretch towards the town. The town itself was not our goal but simply to stop somewhere along one of the few pull off points and wander over onto the beach for a bit of sun. About four miles in we stopped, threw a few things in a bag, and grabbed our towels. She stripped out of her dress and I took off my shirt and we headed out over the dunes to the beach beyond.

The marks from the cane were soft but clearly visible running from the side of her cheeks for an inch or so before disappearing under her bikini bottom. She looked so cute in that tight little bikini but the marks spoke of someone not quite so innocent.

Coming over the dunes we looked out over the beach and there was hardly anyone around for miles. We spied a few umbrellas further down to the right so we embarked to the left and skipped along in the surf for about a mile. Finally with nobody in our range of vision we set down our towels and kicked off our sandals about ten feet up from the shoreline.

I had brought along my phone to keep track of the time but also to get some pictures and capture some of the memories from our time there together. She was quick to pull out my phone and hand it to me with a gleeful look in her eye.

“Ok, ok…go stand over in the surf and we will get a few snapshots of Venus emerging from her watery realm.”

She bounced out to the surf and began posing in a series of silly to seductive poses. I enjoyed a smoke as she worked at finding new and alluring positions to put herself in and all the while I snapped away with my phone.

Once I finished my smoke I grabbed the suntan lotion and started working on my face and feet. She was suddenly by my side.

“I got your back,” she cooed.

Good and covered it was now her turn. I kissed her deeply and untied the back of her top and then pulled it up and over her head. She quickly shimmied out of her bottoms and stood naked before me in the hot sun.

Molly began applying lotion to her face and ears and I started working on her back. Continuing down my hands lingered on her ass, kneading the lotion into her stripped skin, and then continued down her thighs to her feet. She was working on her arms and I got her neck and sides and then played with her small firm breasts for a minute. Finally I worked my way down her belly to her hips and then gave her a generous rub over her lips.

She glistened in the sun and the smile she wore was just as bright. “More pictures?” she looked up at me.

“Sure thing, have fun posing, I will keep my finger on the trigger.” I wiped my fingers clean on my shorts and grabbed my phone again. She played around for a bit in different poses that made me grow. She played around in the surf for a bit as I skipped shells and smiled at the moment.

After a bit Molly returned to lay out and get some sun in places that rarely got the chance . We talked a bit about the next place I was going to take her, a pub just up the road that had three floors, one of which was a open deck for a roof where you could look out over the dunes and relax with a drink.

Time passed and I made sure she kept flipping so as not to roast in the sun. I was still in my shorts as she laid down beside me on her stomach dozing off. I started smoking another cigarette, staring off into the endless waves, when a voice startled me from behind.

“Hey young fella, mind if I get one of those smokes from ya.” I turned and looked up to see an older man perhaps in his early seventies, average height and build, dark tan, and sandy grey hair. He was wearing shorts and a nice button down shirt and looked pretty clean cut.

I had been scanning the area over the past hour and half and seen no one even close to us. I had been looking off into the surf for the past ten minutes and somehow in that time he wandered up from the direction we originally came.

“Sure thing man,” I said a bit startled but not letting on. As I stood up to get the cigarette pack from my pocket he walked around to the front of where we were laying and stood just feet away from where her feet were pointing. Molly didn’t move an inch save for the slight clinching of her ass and drawing her legs together so they touched.

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