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When George Christopher Casemont, leader of the Frostburg Avenue Longboarders, got to take Gabrielle Abruzzi to the prom, his boys were impressed. As long as Casey, Flynn, Rod and “The Squirrel” had been running together, they’d never gotten much play from any of the Abruzzi sisters, who were kind of stuck up.
But, time went by, and Casey moved to Seattle, Washington to manage a bowling alley, Rod went to Iraq and got lost there and the Squirrel was now chauffer for one of Buttermilk Falls’s selectmen.
And Flynn got a gig after high school as towel boy at Buttermilk Health Haven, and guess what? There was Gabby Abruzzi again…teaching aerobics. Flynn decided to take a class, free to employees, and discovered that Gabby wasn’t so stuck up as he thought.
Meanwhile, Salisbury Towson was sipping a gin and water and waiting excitedly for the plane to land in the Buttermilk County Airport. Sals had missed his Gabby so much!
Things had been so harsh right before Sals had left for his Mideast business trip, and Gabby had been irritable…she’d given poor Sals quite a few thrashings till she’d nearly worn out her blacksnake quirt…
And, right before Sals left, Gabby had taken off his scrotal piercing and locked him in a plastic chastity belt, since a metal Prince Albert would have set off the security alarms in the airports.
Of course if Sals wanted to rendezvous with an Arab hooker or just jerk off a little, he could have smashed the plastic chastity tube, but he had promised his Gabby that he’d stay faithful and not touch himself or let anyone else touch him.
The night before his departure, Gabby had bound Sals to the dining room table and unlocked his cock for the last time. She’d taken many needles and creatively pushed them into his swollen glans and up and down his straining shaft.
Gabby had then batted the pincushioned penis with her pretty nails for about half an hour.
Then Gabby had removed all the needles and rubbed Sals’s welted dick with Witch Hazel, oh how it stung, and then locked him into the newly minted plastic cage.
“You must love this, my little prince.” Gabby had said with a wicked smile.
Because, of course, Sals’s penis had just gotten harder and harder.
Gabby had turned Sals over on the table then, right on his flabby stomach and rammed his ass silly with a foot long strap-on.
This sodomy made poor Sals appreciate the relative tenderness of her other sadistic ministrations.
It was so harsh that the son of one of Buttermilk Townships First Families endured all this, but in his heart, Sals knew he needed his darling Gabby to keep him in line.
At the end of the night, Gabby had stroked Sals’s tear stained cheeks, calling him her sweet baby… she’d tickled the plastic penis prison, and boy was Sals’s cock hard.
But Gabby had promised Sals some tenderness and possible lovemaking if Sals kept his cock sheath on throughout his business trip.
It bursa eskort was a long sentence of denial, but he had kept his promise, and he’d also bought her some baubles, and Sals knew how to spoil his pretty wife, if nothing else.
Would she finally take off the cruel corset she always wore to bed, and let Sals run his tongue and his hot little hands all over her pretty 36C breasts, kissing the flat stomach and perhaps rubbing hot oil on her long legs?
Would Gabby let poor Sals kiss and nurture her full buttocks, rimming her little hole, and maybe after so many months of denial–cruel celibacy-could they actually make love?
To screw that tight little twat, even though it was bound to be somewhat distended since the last time she’d let him in…after all, Gabby had had a few riders.
Not only getting to fuck Gabby but, it had been quite a while since Sals had been able to have an orgasm. Not even by hand. Gabby had said to him “Wouldn’t you like to have a real orgasm in my clitty or my mouth? Wouldn’t it be worth waiting for?”
But weeks and months had passed, the date of the promised orgasm would arrive, and Gabby would smile and say…”Let’s hold off until your birthday, we can do it then, and I’ll really take care of you, baby.”
On his birthday, Gabby got a little tired as she’d sent a lot of time at Sals’s surprise party in the bathroom with his best friend. Whatever could that have been about?
“Let’s do it in six weeks, when it’s New Year’s Eve.” And he had to respect her being tired, and so although it had been months, he waited again, through Christmas. He’d given Gabby ruby earrings, and she’d given him-a tie.
Then, on New Year’s Eve, after he’d watched Gabby making out with all the men at the party at around midnight, they’d tottered into the bedroom.
But again, she wanted to wait-say Valentine’s Day? “I don’t know if it’s been such a great year honey, fucking me now would be a disappointment.”
And then on Valentines Day, she demurred once more-and Sals had had a little fit.
“It’s Valentines Day, Gabby, can’t I just jerk off if you’re too selfish to-” As he persisted, Gabby had become enraged, and she’d ordered Sals to strip and she’d locked him in the old fashioned Colonial Stocks in the basement.
Four hours in the pillory…
Then, a few weeks later, Sals was looking imploringly at Gabby again…so many days, weeks, months…and she’d kissed him and told him to take off his clothes, strip to his chastity piercing…
And then she’d taken him over her knee and whipped him with her new Lochgelly Tawse until his bare bottom was slightly bleeding.
So he’d quieted down…but now she’d sent him on this trip, in his plastic cage, and it might be num-nums for Sals if he spoiled his glorious wife enough, right?
Nearly a year, but Gabby had so sexily described what she planned to do to him with her pussy and her mouth upon his return, if he bought bursa bayan escort her something that put her in a good mood…
And remember her tender blowjobs from early on?
And now the plane was pulling in the airport, and the fun might start. Wouldn’t it?
He’d been to watch belly dancers in Saudi Arabia, and had to go back to the hotel frustrated…but it was over now, right? So soon!
Sals had purchased a tennis bracelet for his lovely wife, and a diamond pendant, and lots of other stuff, of course she might accuse him of trying to bribe her…
No, Gabby was serious this time. And hopefully she’d have gotten fucking other guys out of her system while he’d been gone, oh so hopefully.
Remember the last time, that annoying lawn-mower guy, Theron, and how she’d made poor Sals lick her juices off young Theron’s cock?
But Sals had offered to pay for the rest of Theron’s law school if he’d leave town…
So when he got home, it could just be Sals and Gabby. Wouldn’t that be grand?
Flynn really loved so much about Gabby. He really enjoyed her step-aerobics class, what an instructor she was!
Dancing around in that hot-pink leotard, those tits of hers going wild!
The pixie brunette’s full lipped smile had so entranced Flynn and of course he’d asked her out. Flynn worried that this might be an overreach of boundaries, but Gabby had happily accepted.
Within a fortnight they were really getting it on, always at her place since Flynn lived with Ma.
And Gabby paid for everything, though she’d recommended Flynn to be promoted to weight-lifting coach and that had put a few bucks in his pocket.
One night though, Flynn and Gabby came back to her place after a rather steamy date, and there was a strange man kneeling naked in her living room.
.”Uh, Gabby…” It was so strange, the guy was just there, you know? And his dick was locked in a piercing. It was bent from the glans to the scrotum, his poor wiener.
Flynn knew a little bit about such things, and he was fairly sure this was a Prince Albert piercing.
As Flynn helped Gabby off with her fur coat, she smiled up at him, dimpling, those tits swaying in the sparkly black dress.
Her bosom might truly be Flynn’s Higher Power!
“The guy in the corner is my husband Salisbury, or Sals for short. You didn’t think I could afford a house in Buttermilk Falls West as an aerobics instructor did you, Flynn?”
“But you also teach spinning…but I guess this is a pretty big house.”
“Yeah, I use my health club salary to you know, get manicures.”
“Jesus, Gabby, your husband, he looks like he’s crying down there.”
“Well I kind of implied that when Sals came back from his corporate whatchamacallit in Dubai that I might give up boyfriends and lovers for a while and let him fuck me for old time’s sake.”
Flynn looked bursa ucuz escort down at Sals, a pudgy, balding fellow. Sals was biting his lower lip, and tears coated his chubby cheeks.
But indeed, Sals’s penis was swelling in the cruel loop that the piercing created…his cockhead locked to his scrotum!
“So you’re his dominant wife and that’s a Prince Albert, wow!”
Gabby looked at Flynn in surprise. Flynn was a fairly muscular Irish-Italian hoodlum, and it just didn’t seem like something that would interest him.
“You know about all this, Flynn? Usually I have to explain female domination to all my uh, studs.”
“I had a girlfriend once, we kind of messed around with it…Mostly I spanked her, but I read a lot about what it was like the other way, too.”
Admitting this was tough for Flynn. He’d never discussed this with Casey, Rod and the Squirrel, and to tell this chick? Bros before hos, right?
“Have you ever had a blowjob from a man?” Gabby cocked her head.
“Please, no Miss Gabrielle” Sals gazed up at Gabby imploringly.
Gabby leaned down and took Sals’s chin in her pretty fingers.
“What’s wrong, my little faggot?” As Gabby began laughing uproariously, both men watched her tits and ass bounce in the tiny cocktail dress.
“I’m not a homosexual, and we were going to have tenderness together. You promised.”
Gabby let go of Sals’s chin and laughed. “You really believed that? You thought I’d ever let your sad little needle-dick in my Heavenly Orifice? Why do you think I took off your plastic sheath and locked you back in the piercing?”
“But you have to be fair, I brought you presents, and as your husband…”
“I don’t remember giving you permission to have opinions, Salisbury.” Gabby stepped over to the couch and picked up a horrifyingly thick wooden paddle with many holes in it.
Flynn had not seen it in Gabby’s house before, but he knew what it was.
“Wow, a Spencer Paddle” Flynn’s eyes opened wide, and he felt a stirring in his groin.
“You really know a lot about this stuff, eh, Flynn? You must be somewhat of a submissive, all that Catholic guilt.”
“Um, I…”
“We’ll determine that later. For your back-talk, Sals, I want you to get up off your knees and bend across the armrest of the couch.”
“No, please, Gabby, I understand, I won’t ask again if I can…”
“If you understood, you’d be less mouthy. I still remember your tantrum on Valentine’s Day. Get over the couch, please.”
Flynn had seen more than a few BDSM movies, but was amazed at how fat little Sals was able to take twenty with the heavy Spencer paddle with only a little weeping.
“Damn, Sals didn’t even jump up and grab his butt.” Flynn said, after the thrashing had ceased.
Sals had been sent sobbing into the bedroom.
“That took a lot of work and training, getting Sals to be purely obedient, and ignore the pain. I had to break him in with a hairbrush and then a fly swatter, then belts, and sometimes frying pans.”
“And now he’s so submissive.”
“Yes, and he won’t cum until I decide, and I keep changing my mind.”
Flynn felt a big swelling in his pants…
He hoped Gabby hadn’t noticed this…
But, it was too late.