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This is the second installment of Sam’s adventures with the neighbor. All comments are appreciated and encouraged. I hope you like it.
As Scott entered the house he called out, “Sam, I’m home.” There was no answer but he could hear the shower running. She must be in there. Sam was leaning against the shower wall letting the warm water flow through her long blonde hair and down her body. She was in there not only clean herself, but also to clear her head after the experience she had just gone through. Her ass was still sore from the punishment from Robert’s large hands. She silently hoped they wouldn’t bruise as that might be hard to explain to Scott.
She lathered her hands and rubbed her butt cheeks again. It did hurt some but it also felt good. Like soreness from starting to exercise. She felt the familiar flutter of butterflies in her stomach as she recalled being held so tightly and spanked so aggressively. Would Robert do it again? She Didn’t know if she wanted him to or not. It was discovering a new side of herself. A side she wasn’t sure she liked.
She exited the shower and began to towel off. She stopped and looked at herself in the mirror. Turning she checked her butt cheeks for bruising. Still red but it didn’t look like any bruises would surface. That was a relief. Just then Scott opened the door quickly and said loudly, “So, taking a shower?”
“Oh damn,” Sam exclaimed. “You just scared the shit out of me!” She quickly turned toward Scott hoping he didn’t notice her red ass. “How was the basketball?”
“Good! I’ve still got it!” he said with a big smile. He moved to her and kissed her on the forehead and then on the lips. “I’m hungry. What’s for lunch?”
“What ever you fix for us,” she answered with her best sarcastic tone.
“Ok, ok. I’ll fix something. We still have some bologna and mustard right?” She sneered at him for a moment.
“You are so full of it!” she remarked. He smiled and headed to the kitchen. She dried off, brushed her long blonde hair and put it back in a ponytail. She liked having her hair back; during the summer especially. Still feeling sexy, she put on a matching pink lace bra and g-string. A black cap sleeve t-shirt with a very low neckline and short shorts with sandals completing the outfit. She checked the mirror to make sure her cleavage was well on display. The edge of the pink lace bra peaked above the shirt. She turned to see her butt in the shorts.
Not bad at all. She smiled and rubbed her ass through the material. Still sore and deliciously so. Mmmmmmmmm, she hoped it would stay that way for a while. They might bump into Robert outside and she wanted to show off her assets if they did. As she entered the kitchen Scott stood and approached her. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a big hug. “You look great baby. Let me go get a shower and we can go down to Jack’s for a bite and a beer. Ok?”
“Yeah, that would be nice,” she responded. Jack’s is a local sports bar with good food, cold beer, and lots of TVs. Scott goes to the shower and Sam gets a beer from the fridge and sits at the table. Sitting sex izle on the chair reminds her of her sore ass. That reminds her of Robert. She thinks back to her struggle against him. His grip on her hair was like a vise. When trying to free her hair, no matter how hard she pulled even on a single finger, his hand remained tightly closed.
She had no effect on him at all. When he put her over his knee, she might as well have been in chains. All her struggling went for naught. She had never interacted with such a strong and forceful man. She felt her pussy begin to moisten again. Why did he have this effect on her? He had not said a pleasant thing to her or even been nice in any way. Yet he excited her in a raw animalistic way. A way she had never experienced. A way she needed for the first time in her life. This fact thrilled her and filled her with dread both at the same time. She knew she shouldn’t even entertain the thought of following these feelings, but she also knew she would. “Let’s go,” Scott exclaimed as he walked into the kitchen, already showered and dressed.
When they arrived at Jack’s the place was busy as usual on a nice Saturday afternoon. As they moved toward the back tables where they usually sat, Scott spoke to someone. “Hey Robert! Honey that’s our neighbor I was telling you about, Robert.” Sam’s stomach flipped. Oh shit. There he was…
Scott pulled Sam by the hand back to the table where Robert was sitting. He stood as they approached. “Hey Robert. This is my girlfriend, Sam. Sam, baby this is our neighbor I was telling you about last week, Robert.”
“Actually, we met briefly in the yard today,” Robert said. He never made eye contact or even acknowledged that Sam was standing there.
“Oh, I didn’t know that,” replied Scott as he turned to look at Sam.
“Yeah honey, it was in the back yard earlier today when I was working in the garden. I didn’t think to mention it to you when you came home.” Sam was a bit nervous and hoped Scott didn’t notice.
“Oh, okay. Cool, exclaimed Scott. So do you mind if we join you Robert?”
“No, not at all. Please sit, both of you,” Robert said as he pulled out a chair for Sam.
“Oh honey, lets don’t bother him,” said Sam.
“Don’t be silly. It’s no bother at all. Sit!” He put a bit more emphasis on “sit”. Sam picked up on it and she immediately sat down. She wondered if Scott had noticed. From the way he sat down and immediately began talking to Robert about the game on TV, it was obvious he hadn’t. She began to look at Robert more closely now. His hands were big and thick. Each finger was large and he wore a huge class ring. His arms were big and you could see his chest muscles through his t-shirt. He definitely stayed in shape. He was an attractive man but not in a girlish, pretty sort of way. Strong facial features and salt and pepper hair framed green piercing eyes.
He had an air of confidence about him. Like he was sure of every move he made and everything he said. He glanced over at Sam and said, “Whatcha drinkin missy?”
“Oh damn honey! I’m sorry. I completely forgot to get us something,” fransız porno Scott explained. “What would you like?”
“No, that’s alright.” You men keep talking. I’ll go to the bar,” Sam said as she stood. Robert stood as well.
“Get me another Newcastle, would ya sweetie?” Robert asked or more accurately ordered. Sam went to the bar to get the beers. Robert turned to Scott and asked, “How ’bout a cigar? Do you smoke stogies?” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a cigar case. “This is why I like this place. They don’t bitch about you lighting a damn cigar in here.”
Scott reached over and pulled out a cigar from the case. “I don’t mind if I do.” He put the cigar in his mouth and smiled at Robert. Robert returned his smile and sat back in his chair. He reached into his pants pocket and then began to curse.
“Oh shit! I forgot my lighter! Damn it!” He looked over at the bar and saw Sam returning to the table with the three beers. “Hey sweetie, be a dear and go get some matches from the bar,” he directed Sam. She dutifully set the beers on the table and returned to the bar for the matches. When she returned to the table she saw Scott with a cigar in his mouth.
“You’re not going to smoke that are you?” she asked of Scott with a stern look on her face.
“Yeah, why not?” Scott asked as he looked over at her and then at Robert.
“Because they make you stink and you promised you wouldn’t,” she replied. She glanced over at Robert. He had removed his cigar from his mouth and was giving her a very stern look. She could feel her shoulders drop as she shrunk from his glare.
“Oh come on baby. Just this one with Robert. Okay?” She looked at Scott to see if he was aware of the dynamic developing here. He wasn’t.
“Okay. Just this one. But you are sleeping on the couch tonight.” She sat down at the table and took a long sip of her beer.
“Hell Scott. Get her good and drunk and she won’t care what you smell like,” Robert said and both he and Scott began to laugh. Sam looked down at her beer. “Oh no. I’ve gone too far. I was just kidding around Sam. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” She glanced up at Robert to see if he meant what he said. He was smiling and she saw kindness in his eyes. Something she hadn’t seen before, and it immediately made her feel better. She returned his smile and handed him the matches.
“You know what? I want you to join Scott and me in having a cigar. I think you’ll like this one. It’s very mild but with good flavor.” Robert held out the cigar to Sam. She glanced at Scott and then took it in her hand. “Now let me show you. Take this cutter and snip off the end like this.” Robert demonstrated on his own cigar and then handed the cutter to Sam. “That’s right. Just the end. Good! You did that like a pro.” Robert struck two matches at once and moved the flame toward Sam. She put the cigar to her lips and sucked on it. “That’s right. Now turn it as you draw.”
She did as instructed and soon the thick rich smoke began to billow from her mouth. She smoked cigarettes occasionally but never teen porno a cigar. She had wondered what the fuss was about. It did taste nice. Very mild. She especially enjoyed being included in the fun. She sat back and smoked her cigar and drank beers with the boys and laughed for several hours. At one point Scott got up to go to the bathroom. When he left, Robert looked over at her and said, “I knew you wouldn’t tell Scott about our meeting.” She looked over at Robert.
“No, I didn’t think it would be a good idea,” she answered.
“You won’t tell him next time either,” he said.
“Oh, there’s not going to be a next time,” Sam said to him sternly. Robert smiled and took a big draw on his cigar. The night ended and everyone said their goodbyes. Sam and Scott had each drank several beers so they decided to call a cab to take them home. In the cab, Sam reached over and began to rub Scotts cock through his pants. She looked up at him and said, “Somebody is getting lucky tonight.” She smiled at him and winked. He pulled her to him and kissed her deeply. His hand cupped her large breast and he squeezed it. She continued to rub his cock and could feel it getting hard. She loved having him respond to her touch like that.
Scott’s hand dropped to her lap and easily found the open leg of her shorts. His hand pushed her g-string to the side and he slipped a finger into her soaked cunt. She let out a moan and parted her legs to give him better access. They continued to kiss as Scott fingered her and rubbed her clit with his wet fingers. Her breathing became fast and shallow as she gripped her legs together. She trembled as her orgasm spilled through her. Scott was kissing her neck and squeezing and pulling her large breasts. She glanced toward the front of the cab and saw the driver staring at them in the rear view mirror. As they turned onto their block, Sam pushed Scott away and saying, “Pay the man baby, we’re home.”
They both hurried inside and began to pull each other’s clothes off as they kissed and moved toward their bedroom. Falling on the bed while still kissing, both were naked by now and Scott slipped between Sam’s legs as she wrapped them around his back. She felt his cock head press against her pussy lips. Already soaked from the cab, she rocked her hips and felt the head penetrate her. Scott pushed hard and buried his manhood deep inside her. She bit her lip as he withdrew and pushed deep again. “Fuck me baby.” she whispered in his ear. “Fuck me hard!” Scott’s pace quickened and his force intensified. He was pounding himself into her now and she was loving it. “Fuck me baby!” she exclaimed. “Oh yes, fuck me good! Oh god! Fuck my pussy!”
She was moaning now as Scott continued his onslaught. Her pussy began to spasm as her orgasm overcame her. She shook and moaned like never before. The grip of Sam’s pussy on Scott’s cock pushed him over the top as well and he began to release streams of warm cum into her cunt. They both strained against each other as their mutual euphoria engulfed them. As their pleasure subsided they lay motionless in each other’s arms. Their breath normalized and they kissed each other once more. Scott rolled off Sam and pulled her to his side? His hand found her ass and he gave one cheek a squeeze. The lingering soreness reminded her of Robert. She wondered what he might be doing as she drifted off to sleep.