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Sean checked out of his hotel after breakfast the day after his encounter with Alice. He was sure he could still smell her perfume and pussy on him and smiled as he recalled the events of the previous night.
Loading his bag into the boot of his car, he heard his phone beep, a message had landed. He sat in the drivers seat before he checked it. It was from Robyn.
‘Hi, I’m free this afternoon, lunch?’ she’d texted.
He quickly replied, ‘Love to. Where’
An immediate reply, ‘Lamb and Flag, Ludlow? 1 o’clock? I can book a table.’
He was smiling as he replied, ‘1 it is, see you there.’
‘Brilliant!’ came Robyns reply, ‘looking forward to finally meeting you.’
‘Ditto, see you later’ he replied.
Sean set the SatNav for Ludlow and set off. Taking the scenic route to Ludlow, he still had 3 hours to kill, before he met Robyn.
90 minutes later, Sean drove into Ludlow, parked up and wandered into the town. Quite a pretty place, there was a quiet buzz as folks walked along, flitting from shop to shop.
He found a quiet coffee shop, ordered a drink and snack, then sat quietly in a corner to pass the time. There was still an hour until his rendezvous with Robyn, so he sipped his drink slowly, read a paper supplied by the coffee shop and quietly watched the World go by.
Sean checked my watch for what seemed like the 100th time, 12.45. Rising, he left the coffee shop, checked his phone for directions and set off to find the pub. Some ten minutes later, he walked through the door, 5 minutes early.
“Over here Sean.” came a voice from the other side of the bar. He hadn’t even had time to get his bearings, but Robyn had seen him straightaway. Sean ducked through a door heading in the direction of the voice.
A left turn, then ducking through another low door Sean was finally stood in front of Robyn.
A broad smile fell across the ruby red lips of the lady perched on a bar stool in front of him. Instinctively Sean smiled back before holding out a hand, Robyn laughed.
“That’s a bit formal don’t you think? A handshake? Considering we’ve actually seen each other naked!”
Sean laughed himself, then withdrew his hand, “True enough Robyn, just well didn’t want to appear too familiar is all.”
Robyn stood, then quickly wrapped her arms around Sean, giving him a peck on the cheek. Sean returned the hug, pecking Robyn on the cheek in return. Tempting as it was to squeeze Robyns arse he resisted and they broke the hug.
Robyn perched herself back on her stool, Sean drew another one closer and sat himself, trying not to stare too hard at Robyn.
He ordered a drink from the barmaid, then turned to face Robyn once more. She in turn took a sip of her drink and looked at Sean, “Well I must say,” she began, “you look better in the flesh than on screen Sean.”
Sean, quickly took her in as his drink arrived, no make-up other than her red lipstick, red dyed hair to her shoulders in a bob cut. A formal looking skirt suit, tight white blouse that flattered her bust. The skirt of her suit finishing just above the knee and tartan patterned nylon adorning her shapely legs, kitten heels finishing the look off completely.
“You look rather good yourself Robyn,” Sean said, ” love your patterned tights, very smart suit too.”
“Well thank you Sean, all compliments from sexy men are most welcome. I was working this morning, finished now though, so I’m all yours the rest of the afternoon. Oh and they aren’t tights, hate them, but love stockings, look.”
Quick güzeloba escort as a flash, Robyn hitched the hem of her skirt up to show a stocking top, before pulling it back down again. Sean smiled, “I was hoping they’d be stockings Robyn, much nicer to see.”
“I’m glad you like Sean, now shall we eat, our table is ready and I’m peckish?”
Sean followed Robyn through to a small alcove that fitted a table into its small confines. A bench along the wall at the back offered the only seating, so he followed Robyn in, sitting next to her, thighs touching as they sat.
A quick look at the menu, order placed and drink in hand Sean leant back and glanced to his left. Robyn had shed her suit jacket and was sat in just her blouse now, her bust clear for him to admire. couple of buttons undone, so he had a clear view of her cleavage encased in a lacy red bra.
Robyn leant back too, turning slightly to face him, “So here we are then Sean. Nice to finally meet you properly in person.” She raised her glass, Sean followed suit, raising his to meet hers. They clinked glasses, took a sip, toasting each other, then both relaxed into their surroundings.
“Nice and cosy in here isn’t it?” Sean asked.
“Oh yes,” Robyn answered, “hidden from view mainly, no one can really see us properly.” With that Robyn raised an eyebrow, smiling as her hand came to rest on Sean’s leg.
Sean felt her warm hand rub his thigh and twitched in his jeans at the touch. Returning the gesture, Sean reached out, his hand placed on Robyns stocking clad leg. He gave it a firm squeeze.
“Mmm, nice firm grip there Sean,” she said, “I hope the rest of you is as firm to the touch.”
“With you looking like that, there’ll soon be a little something very firm,” Sean quipped.
“Not so little as I recall Sean,” Robyn replied, sliding her hand upto Seans bulging crotch and giving it a good, hard squeeze. “Mmm, nice and firm already.”
Sean leant in closer, his face now mere inches from Robyn. Robyn bit her bottom lip, tongue teasing her perfect red lips.
Taking this as a go ahead, Sean closed the distance between them, his lips meeting Robyns. His tongue darted out, pushing forward, meeting Robyns tongue. His hand slid up Robyns leg, the warm nylon feeling great under his fingers as they kissed.
Robyn gripped Sean’s cock harder in his jeans, squeezing it hard, Sean moaned into Robyns mouth. Then Robyn broke the kiss, “foods coming Sean, we’ll continue this later.”
Seconds later two plates were placed in front of them, both tucked in happily, the passionate kissing had clearly given both an appetite.
Minutes later Sean reclined back against the bench, belly full of food and content with his day so far. Robyn was great company, very easy on the eye and he’d had a nice meal to boot.
Sean and Robyn sat in a comfortable silence for a minute or so, there was nothing overtly sexual happening, but a palpable tension hung in the air.
Eventually Robyn broke the silence between them, “There’s something that I need to tell you Sean, hopefully it won’t put you off me.”
Sean smiled, “Whatever it is I won’t judge you, so go for it.”
For the next 5 minutes Sean listened to Robyn tell him how she still lived at home with her parents, how she was in debt to the tune of £20,000. How she’d been seeing her married lover for 5 years before releasing that he’d never leave his wife and that she very much wanted children before she got too old. Sean sat and listened intently throughout.
Robyn hakkari escort looked understandably pensive once she’d finished talking. She’d just bared her soul to someone that she didn’t know all that well and was fearful of a negative reaction.
Sean took a sip of his drink and spoke, “If you’re trying to put me off then you haven’t succeeded Robyn. I don’t care about your living arrangements, or your ex lover. I’m sure we can, together, if you like sort out your money problems. However, I had a vasectomy a few years back, when I was married, so I can’t have children myself.”
Sean continued, “I can possibly look into a reversal if we hit it off and decide that we want a relationship together, but until then, I suggest we see how things go.”
Sean waited for her response. Robyn took her time, then spoke, “Ok, lets see how it goes. I’d like to get my debts sorted, so we can look at that. As for children, well, we haven’t even slept together yet or spent lots of time with each other, so lets, as you say, see how things go.”
Sean smiled, placed a comforting arm around her shoulders and hugged Robyn close. “I still have the room booked for tonight, not far from where you live. We could have a bite to eat, a couple of drinks if you like? Then if you want to go home, fine, if not then it’s a double room.”
He left the sentence hanging.
Robyn, looked up at him, eyes sparkling, “I’ll definitely meet you tonight Sean, I’ll bring a bag just in case, but won’t promise anything.”
“Perfect,” Sean responded, “now, how much longer do I have the pleasure of your company?”
Robyn checked her watch, “Oh, about another half an hour or so.”
“Fabulous!” exclaimed Sean, his lips once again seeking out Robyns. The kiss, was if anything more intense than before, getting things off her sizeable chest had clearly freed Robyn to a certain extent.
It was just as well that they were hidden away from view, as hands were everywhere! Well, almost everywhere, they didn’t want to get caught for public indecency.
After some serious ‘heavy petting’, Robyn checked her watch, “I best be going, walk me to my car?”
“Love to, come on, I’ll settle up then walk you out.”
They stepped out into bright sunlight and Sean followed Robyn to her car. Robyn opened it, motioned Sean to get in the passenger side and climbed into the drivers seat.
Once inside, Robyn reached over, taking Seans head in her hands, her lips meeting his. Their tongues danced with each others, Robyns hand once again squeezing Seans cock through his jeans. For his part, Sean slid his hand onto Robyns thigh, the soft warm nylon, felt good as his hand moved higher.
Robyn opened her legs wider, encouraging his hand further, as she slipped a hand into Seans jeans seeking out his now solid member.
Sean encountered warm flesh as his hand travelled further under Robyns skirt, finally reaching warm and very damp material. He cupped his hand over Robyns mound, the heel pressing into it, she moaned into his mouth as a finger slid under the lacy material, seeking out her pussy.
Robyn took a firm grip around Seans now free rock hard cock and began wanking it with deft strokes, pulling his foreskin back, teasing his pee hole with a finger before returning to stroke it once more.
Sean, slid a finger, through the outer folds of Robyns pussy, her labia parting and coating his finger with her slick juices. Locating her clit, Sean flicked his finger over it lightly, causing Robyn halkalı escort to shudder.
She broke off the kiss, eyes half lidded as Sean rubbed her hard little button, “Fuck Sean! That’s good, oh God, yes, there, just there, fuck!”
It was just as well that Robyn had parked her car in a quiet corner of the car park away from prying eyes. Anyone walking by would have had a real eyeful as they both manually stimulated each other.
Robyn undid the top few buttons of her blouse, exposing her bust, hidden from view in her lacy red bra. Then reaching in, she pulled her tits out and pulled on her nipples, they hardened and crinkled at her touch.
Sean dipped his head to Robyns big tits, his mouth closing over a hard nipple. He gently, yet firmly gripped her nipple with his teeth, flicking his tongue over the hard nub. Robyn gasped out loud as he took as much of her big tit in his mouth, sucking loudly, before releasing it, then repeating the process over and over again. All the while his hand was inside her knickers, her pussy dripping onto his fingers.
“Oh fuck Sean, that’s it, suck my tits, finger me!” she moaned, “Oh God, don’t stop, please don’t stop, I’m gonna cum! Fuck!”
Sean sucked harder on the fat tit in his mouth, plunged his fingers deeper into Robyns sopping wet pussy, as she began to buck against his hand. Her orgasm washing through her whole body, as she cried out!
“I’m, I’m, I’m coming Sean, oh fuck!” she moaned, her wet pussy now absolutely sopping as her cum spilt forth onto Sean’s fingers. Robyn had released his cock from her grip as she came, instead holding onto the car door and seat.
Sean didn’t relinquish his grip on her nipple, if anything he sucked harder on it, lashing his tongue back and forth over the hard nub gripped between his teeth.
Gradually Robyns orgasm began to subside, her shaking slowed til she eventually sat quite still, only her chest rising and falling rapidly providing any clues to what had just happened.
For his part Sean, slid his fingers out of Robyns pussy and knickers, sucked them clean and then sat back.
Seconds later Robyn opened her eyes, “Bloody hell Sean,” she exclaimed, “that was intense! I didn’t expect to cum so quickly or so hard, bloody hell!”
Laughing Sean replied, “Glad to be of sevice Robyn, I don’t think I’ve ever known anyone cum so quickly or so hard!”
Blushing now, Robyn replied, “I know, it took me by surprise Sean. I couldn’t help myself, it just sort of happened.”
Sean reached over and kissed Robyn tenderly then breaking off the kiss, “Hopefully there’s more to come later tonight Robyn, if you still want to meet up?”
“Oh God yes! I’m looking forward to it already, but I feel a bit selfish, you didn’t get to cum Sean,” Robyn answered glancing down at his still hard cock.
Buttoning himself up, Sean smiled, “Don’t worry, I’m sure we can do something about that later.”
“Oh yes please Sean, I want to feel that cock of yours deep in me, hard and fast too. Give me a really good seeing to!”
“Oh that’s a given Robyn, I’m looking forward to it believe you me. Now I suppose I need to let you go?”
Robyn checked her watch, “Oh shit! Look at the time, I’m so sorry, but I really do have to go Sean.”
Sean smiled, leant over, kissed Robyn once more, then opened the door before bending down and saying, “See you tonight, I can’t wait to bury my tongue and cock in you Robyn!”
Reddening again, Robyn smiled, turned the key in the ignition, put the car in gear and blew Sean a kiss as he closed the door.
Sean watched her exit the car park and headed for his own car, a grin a mile wide spread across his face.
**** As always thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed part 3. More to come if the need is there.