Randi’s Birthday Present

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Derek and Randi are my neighbors. They live downstairs on the second floor. I don’t know them too well, but I do talk to them now and then. Usually in the building’s fitness center or pool, both amenities I’m rather fond of. So far the talk has been the typical neighborly chit-chat. Which isn’t to say they don’t know about me. Everyone here does. It’s kind of hard to miss the prominent collar around Sophie’s neck. For some reason, that’s the first thing folks tend to ask about.

Like everyone, they’ve asked a few questions about what I’m into. But nothing that ever went beyond idle conversation or indicated any interest in playing. I have a rule about not putting anyone in my toybox if that person is otherwise in my life, which would include a neighbor. But I haven’t had to tell them about it. None of my neighbors have shown any real interest in coming to be toyed with.

Which is why I’m surprised when Derek stops me in the fitness center one Monday morning and asks if we could talk privately. Of course, I agree. I’d never be rude to a neighbor! Besides I’m curious as to what he wants.

It takes him a minute to stumble around it and get to the point. He has to make sure to tell me that neither he nor Randi is interested in hopping in my toybox. Then he finally tells me that they have a shared fantasy. It’s pretty elaborate, at least in that they’ve added some, but not so many, specific details over the years. Both have wanted to act it out, kind of like the number one item on their private bucket list, but so far neither has known anyone who might take them through it.

He tells me that he doesn’t know exactly what I’m interested in, or what I do. He knows I seem to have a variety of partners coming to visit, and he just thought that maybe, I would at least know of someone who would be interested. As a one-off, a single session never to be more. They’d just like this fantasy they’ve shared for years to happen.

I ask him to tell me in detail what the fantasy is. How do I know if I or anyone else might be interested if I don’t know what it is?

He tells me, and as he goes on he starts giving me more and more details without my having to draw the out of him. It’s a pretty tame fantasy by my standards, but then again, there’s little I won’t try at least once. It’s not so much what happens to my toys that interest me. What excites me is having the power. There’s no better aphrodisiac to me. But watching a toy squirm desperately is a very close second.

Then he tells me that Sunday is Randi’s birthday, and he thought acting it out might be a great, special present for her. He doesn’t say, but I think, for him too! I can hear the excitement in his voice as he tells me about it. It’s enough to make me ask if the fantasy began as his or hers. He swears it was hers, but as they talked about it, he grew as interested as she was.

The theme is simple. Randi has never done anything, not even a little touching, with another woman, and she’s very uncomfortable with the idea of lesbian sex. But for whatever the reason, he has to “hand her over” to another woman to be used at the woman’s pleasure for a set period of time. He’s allowed to watch, to be there with her, but not to interfere in whatever happens to Randi. Of course, they have some ideas of what is done with Randi, and that’s the part where all the details come in. but the details are relatively few, and relatively simple things. At least to me. Ropework is nothing for me. I stopped counting tyings long ago. The only thing Randi is firm on, is no actual sex, as in oral sex, with another woman. Touching, she realizes, is kind of a must for her little fantasy to come true.

“How’s 9:00 Sunday? Is that too late?”

“No, it’s perfect.” He answers, then asks if it’s convenient for me.

“9:00 Sunday, my apartment. Be very prompt. Oh, and since you owe me your wife, deliver her absolutely naked. I mean nothing at all, not even a wedding ring or a hairpin. Just a blindfold over her eyes and a gag in her mouth. And of course with her hands bound behind her back. If I were you, I’d use the stairs up to four. It won’t be a problem on four, no one is ever in the hall at night up there. And I don’t want to see a pile of clothes, or a robe, or anything in the hall. March her up naked. I believe the bet you lost me to me was either your car (a very new Mercedes) or your wife, naked and at my mercy, for two hours. Since you lost her ‘naked,’ you can deliver her to me naked.” I laugh as I add “I’ll leave it up to you if you tell her who you lost her to, but she might recognize my voice. We have talked a number of times.”

I wonder, though not that much, if they’ll really show up. I’m not sure, but if I had to guess I wouldn’t hesitate to say they would. If Randi wasn’t as into the fantasy as he was, unless he really doesn’t know his wife, then he wouldn’t have wanted to do it for a present to her. Unless he doesn’t plan to stay married too long, that is!

So I’m not surprised when the knock comes at the coffeedonutfest.com door right on time. I send Sophie to get it. Derek is standing there in jeans and a sport shirt. He has Randi beside him, stripped completely naked, bound, blindfolded, and gagged. And already fidgeting around nervously. I’ll bet she is nervous, if for no other reason than standing naked in a public hall where she wouldn’t even know if she was seen. Having to rely fully on Derek to look after her. I’m sure she feels like a piece of his property right now. Which is the feeling I wanted her to arrive with.

Sophie brings them in, immediately taking hold of Randi by her arm and guiding her along. “Randi, you belong to my Mistress now. I’m sure she’ll find some way to amuse herself with your body. Come along, my Mistress is waiting for you!” then she turns to Derek and says “my Mistress has said that you must watch whatever use she finds for this slut, but you may not interfere. If you do, She’ll restrain you so you can’t interfere. She wishes for you to see what your wife has to suffer through to pay your gambling debt off. Follow me.”

Sophie leads Randi back to the playroom where I’m ready for them. And waiting. She points Derek to a chair at the head of the massage table and tells him he’s to sit there, where he’ll have an excellent view of her “tormented body” but keep his hands in his lap and never touch anything, especially his wife. Or be cuffed like a naughty boy. He sits.

Randi is a pretty woman. She’s 33 today. I’d guess she’s around 5’6″ and 125-130 pounds. Which gives her a lean body. She has very dark brown hair down past the tops of her shoulders, which is now hanging free and loose. And an oval face with green eyes and a wide mouth with full pink lips that sparkle a little even now without gloss on them. She has a sensual feminine curve to her waist, and a flat stomach devoid of any blemishes. Plus longish, lean and toned, legs. That much I’ve seen in the gym.

And now I can see that her smallish breasts are nicely rounded as they stand straight off her chest. 34-B, but not quite filling out the cups I’d guess, and I’m very good at guessing bra size by now. Those are topped by wide rings of light pink against her milky white mounds, with small and very hard, nipples in their centers. Nipples that stand out less than a quarter-inch, and aren’t even that wide across. Nipples the same shade of light pinkness.

And now I can see that she has a very neatly trimmed and cropped black bush. Her hairs cut down low instead of long and puffy and tangled. It’s sides trimmed into sharp neat bikini lines. Everywhere except for her lips, where she’s left her fur uncut, instead merely trimming its edges, which makes it look denser there like a ring of black fur over her lips and some of the little bit of skin between her pussy and asshole.

And now I can see through her fur to a very attractive pussy. Randi has slightly long lips that are wide, but not wide enough to fully meet. They’re thin, not puffy to give her a prominent mound. Between them, there’s a narrow gash, no wider than a pencil, where the ends of her deep-pink inner folds try to slip out. Then directly over her pussy, those inner folds blossom outward a bit, almost as if inviting something to slip into them. Not so much that I can see her tunnel, but darn close to it! What I can see is a nice layer of honey clinging to everything. A honey-like honey, only clear, very shiny, and with a bit of sparkle to it, and with a moderate muskiness that I can smell. It’s a sensual scent, not so strong as to be anything but erotic. And a sure sign of her interest in being here.

I take Randi from Sophie, getting a sung but comfortable grip on Randi’s hips. I turn her around. It lets me see that Derek has no experience in bondage. None. I’d bet this is the first time he’s tied, anyone. He has her wrists bound behind her with a necktie. In a knot as if he were tying shoes. I’d be out of that tie in under 30 seconds, so I’ll bet Randi could be as well. She’s not.

I let my hand caress a toned cheek of her bottom, feeling the firm muscle underneath the silky baby-soft skin. I feel Randi flinch at my delicate feminine touch, even as I watch goosebumps erupt instantly on the cheek I tease. “This won’t do at all.” I say as I take hold of her wrists, “let’s get you properly tied so I won’t have to worry about you struggling free while I play with my toy! Slave, fetch me a medium rope.”

Sophie puts the length of the finger-thick hemp rope in my hand. It takes me about three seconds to get the tie off and pass it to Sophie. She’ll do something with it until they leave. I tie one end of the rope snugly, but not tight enough to impede the blood flow, wrapping it around her wrist three times before I tie it off. I pull her wrist firmly, but not roughly, up to her right elbow. After looping the rope around her right elbow three times, I tie it off again to make certain it stays there.

Then I bring Randi’s right arm, lying her forearms against each other, which puts her right hand at her left elbow. I hold her arms back from her body just a bit as I diligently wind the rope around her forearms, making sure one coil is flush against the previous. I wind it all the way up to her right wrist. And once I get there, I take three loops around her left elbow, tie it off, then three more around her right wrist before I tie that off as well. I’m left with about a foot of rope. I coil that around her forearms until there’s none left, then tie it off as well. Good roping always has a little extra, except in porn; you need a bit to get good knots.

It leaves Randi without arms or hands. At least ones she can use for anything at all. They’re completely useless to her. She can’t move any of her arms, just her hands which are free beyond her wrists. She can’t even raise her forearms off her back. They’re just useless to her.

Derek has her gagged with a sock and a bandanna. It’s kind of primitive, nothing close to what she’d get from me, but it’s also effective. I look it over and see that she has plenty of room to breathe around the rolled-up sock, so I go ahead and leave it alone. Her blindfold is made from another sock, maybe the mate to the one in her mouth. It’s black and held over her eyes by a tight nylon. It’ll work. I have better, but I can see that it’s enough to keep her from seeing what’s going on, so it’s good enough. I doubt she can see anything around it, at most a sliver of light, and that’s very iffy.

With hands to Randi’s hips, I guide her back to the table and help her to sit on it. Mostly steadying her as she does. I lie her back, supporting her weight as she does, and Sophie helps to swing Randi’s legs up onto the table. I have Sophie fetch me another rope, two lengths longer than the one she’d given me before. Sophie never hesitates to fetch for me.

I tie one end of the rope around Randi’s ankle, wrapping it three loops before tying it off. Then I pull her ankles together and wrap three loops around her other one. Above those three snug coils, I start winding the rope around Randi’s lean legs. Sophie holds Randi’s feet up for me, keeping her legs off the table, as I wrap her legs with more coils of the rope, making sure the loops are single against each other all the way up. I wrap her legs with the rope until I run out of rope, maybe three or four inches beneath her pussy. Then I tie the rope off with a couple of loops around a thigh. When I’m done, none of her legs are visible above her ankles bones, except for the little slices beneath her hips. It has her legs bound tightly together and keeps them mostly still. Her knees can still bend, but even with that, her legs are more of a fish’s tail than legs.

I send Sophie to “fetch me a pussy stuffer.” Sophie quickly gets it, grinning wide as she hands it over to me. It’s a vibrator about the length and thickness of the tube in a roll of paper towels, only with a rounded tip, like a half ball atop the shaft. It’s coated with a layer of latex, dotted with countless little bumps along its length, and hot pink. Oh, and it has fresh batteries, but everything in my playroom always has fresh batteries in it. Sophie keeps them well charged up for me.

I lift Randi’s legs, raising her feet up high and fully bending her waist. As I do I feel the first faint nervous tremors run through Randi’s body. Sophie lubricates the tip of the toy very lightly for me. I put it to her glistening lips and hold it still for a second, letting her feel its width. It gives her a good chance to feel that it’s wider than most men. The little trembles I can feel tell me it’s wider than any she’s known. I gently press on it, and it immediately slips through her slit, between those blossoming inner folds, and finds her pussy. It keeps slipping along, gliding with the slick honey coating Randi. I feel the slight resistance as it presses against the narrow entrance of Randi’s tunnel. It’s not too much, so I gauge that Randi can accommodate this thick shaft. She purrs a long sultry moan, laced with a touch of unease, into her gag as it stretches her walls wide and full. It slides just as easily against her spongy walls until it’s touching against her cervix at the very depths of her pussy. I hold it in place as I, with Sophie’s help, slowly lower Randi’s legs. I stop with her feet maybe a foot above the table, leaving Sophie to hold Randi’s legs up, as I wiggle the last few coils of rope to slip the base of the toy into them, nestling it between her thighs. Then I lower Randi’s legs all the way down.

Sophie helps me roll Randi onto her stomach. I give her a second to wiggle, or more to flop, her head around, and get comfortable on the table. Then I use the remote to turn the vibrator on with the push of a button.

I know it’s on without even having to hear it’s motor. Randi immediately purrs out a very deep sensual moan. And keeps purring them into her gag, which mostly mutes her cries. She lies there, moaning into her gag with a growing urgency for a moment. Then her body starts to squirm lightly.

I swat her bottom with a rubber strap. It’s short, maybe a foot long, and only about an inch wide, made of stiff rubber with a handle on it. It’s almost as painful as leather, but unlike leather, it leaves marks that vanish in minutes and hours, not days or even weeks. I know this is a one-off game, and adventure, for this couple. I’m doing it not so much for me, but more as a gift to them. I don’t want her bruised up from it. But she needs to feel the pain of the spanking.

“Bad girl!” I scold without raising my voice. “Don’t be so slutty in my house. Lie still!” In a short moment, I’m swatting her so rounded globes again, leaving a faint pink line across them for wiggling around. Each swat gets a little yelp into the gag, but only a little one before the moans are back just as deeply as ever. And those are growing deeper and more hungry by the second.

After two more strokes, Randi manages not to squirm quite so much. Instead, her body trembles as she lies there. And her honey starts flowing, slowly weeping out around the thick shaft. In about two minutes, it’s clinging to even her thighs. Randi lies there, moaning more and more urgently.

It’s obvious that Randi is getting very close to a climax. I don’t know her body at all and even I can see that. I’ll bet Derek can see it as well. He’s definitely watching intently enough. He’s more gawking at her writhing body. “I believe you owe me two hours of your wife’s body.” I speak to Derek, but I’m saying this for Randi, “And you’ve only been here 20 minutes. Which means I have an hour-forty left to enjoy the ‘Randi-the-Slut Show!'” I put some eagerness and a touch of taunt into my voice. Hopefully, lying there, feeling the arousal that’s about to explode through her, Randi is now thinking of just how much longer she might well be lying like this. And about how intense things will get for her in that time.

I send Sophie to fetch the pink toy box. That gets a huge evil smirk on Sophie’s face. She knows what’s in that box, and what it means for Randi. Like me, Sophie enjoys first-time encounters a little extra. And this is so clearly a first for Randy. Sophie brings me the box and rolls a little table alongside the massage table to set the toybox on. She even opens it for me!

I poke through its contents. It’s my feather collection, and I have a good collection. They’re all “virgins,” none having ever been used on anyone. Once I use one, Sophie replaces it with another of the same variety. I select a moderately long one with very soft fur on it, almost fur like the softest of duck or goose, but just a scant bit stiffer. I hand it to Sophie, and tell her “circle tease, back, slave.”

Sophie’s eyes get wide, but her grin gets even more sly and evilly happy. I glance over and see Derek watching very intently, his eyes busy darting along Randi, trying to watch both her and what’s about to happen to her.

Sophie uses her left hand to gently, but widely, spread Randi’s cheeks and fully bare her tensed asshole. Sophie parts those firm globes wide, pulling many of Randi’s little wrinkles taunt around the light purple-pink ring. Sophie takes the very tip of the feather and puts it to the rim of Randi’s muscle, the place where the wrinkles disappear inside the dark and narrow funnel of her bottom. Sophie starts stroking the feather slowly around the rim, taking care to keep her hands over Randi’s thighs, not her cheeks, as much as she can.

Sophie doesn’t make it a millimeter before Randi cries out a squealing guttural screech into her gag. It’s loud, desperately loud, enough that the gag doesn’t mute it all that effectively. By half at most, which leaves it loud. Randi’s bottom snaps hard, thrusting up off the table, then snapping crisply from side-to-side to get away from the feather. Sophie’s teased enough butts for me that she expected it and her hands move right along with Randi’s butt.

I snap the strap down hard across Randi’s cheeks, landing it with a loud crack and leaving a little pink line. It gets a decent yelp from Randi into the gag. “I won a wife, not a whore! Stop being so slutty!”

Sophie takes the tip of the feather away, and Randi stills. Then the feather is back and the entire performance repeats. The third time, Randi’s sore cheeks motivate her to lie there. Not still, but not thrashing around either. More quivering hard and screeching the sluttiest of moans into her gag.

She lies like that for well under a minute. It’s time Derek spends straining his neck to see exactly what Sophie is doing with that feather. I should tell him not to bother. Unbound, Randi isn’t going to stay still enough for him to do it to her, no matter how much she’s liking it. That’s the problem, she’s liking it too much!

Randi’s moans suddenly turn to a hard scream. At the same time, her hips thrash, sending her butt flying up and down, and all around. Her arms test those ropes with a little more energy, her hands flopping wildly. Even her head snaps around every which way. And she screams long, loud, and deeply. Until her lungs run out air.

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