Pharaoh Ch. 05

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Chapter 5: Briana, Stony and Alicia Needs a Favor

We were within two weeks of White Girl Pride Day when I ran into Alicia’s friend Briana at the garden center.

She saw me first. “Hey Jeff,” she cried over with a nice big wave and smile. I turned to her voice. She had on grubby jeans with mud stained knees and a ragged old Notre Dame sweatshirt. Her auburn hair, which is generally so pretty and neat, was a frizzy mess. I could see sweat stains over her breasts and at the armpits.

I walked over to her in a little bulb-nook off the main aisle, just the two of us in there. There was a little line of moisture on her upper lip and a smudge of soil on her cheek.

“Hey Bri, how’re things?”

She looked down at her outfit and laughed. “Pretty gross right now, that’s how. I must look horrible to you.” She had this pretty cute sexy/husky voice, not like the voices of the other girls. “I’d give you a nice hug if I wasn’t so filthy,” she said with a flirty little giggle. Which by the way is totally allowed since she’s a good friend of my wife’s.

“No, no. Out gardening today?”

“You deduced it? My God you are sharp! You’re like a private dick, or someone in Security.” She grinned and went on. “Just trying to get some phlox in, add a little color to the yard. Wanted to do it now before…well, if I…you know…if I get too busy later I mean.”

I knew what she meant. Alicia told me Briana surprised the girls a week earlier by signing up for White Girl Pride Day, just two days before the cutoff.

She could tell I knew. “Alicia told you?”

“Yeah.” I paused, didn’t know what to say. So I kind of wiggled my eyebrows then and said, “I guess you kind of shocked the girls.”

She laughed. “Yeah, I know. Crazy old me. I was a bitch about it but…I guess in the end I decided to do it as kind of a goof. I was curious like everyone else.”

“Goof?” It seemed incredible. WGPD a goof? Talk about inappropriate. But I didn’t want to criticize, so I just asked, “You’re serious? You’re really not into it?” I thought a totally pretty girl like Briana would have a decent chance of making the show. But it would be good news for Alicia that a sexy competitor was so half-hearted.

“I don’t know. I wasn’t at all. Figured I had all the white pride I needed without the help of a Pharaoh, you know?” She paused to giggle nervously, and I guess I did the same. Also not at all appropriate, but that’s Briana. “Anyway, then I got curious and figured what the heck. Now that I’m in I definitely feel more motivated. So who knows? Maybe I get lucky.”

“Yeah. Oh, well good luck to you, Bri.”

“Thanks. Gotta say it would be nice to have that one month paid vacation.”

Again! Cause that didn’t sound right either, like it was all for her benefit, for the girl who won. I had to bite my tongue. It’s not up to me to educate someone else’s wife. I let it go.

I guess I got a little flummoxed then and kind of blurted out, “I hear that. Would be nice if the husbands could go too…”

She gave me a strange look. “Would kinda defeat the purpose wouldn’t it? Him hanging around?”

“I guess. Unless we were given, like jobs, you know, ways to help out.”

She was silent at the idea. I’m not even sure why I said it to begin with. It is pretty weird. Probably just nerves or something.

To change the subject I said, “Anyway, I really do mean it. Good luck, now that you’re in.”

“Thank you, Jeff.”

I laughed and said, “Of course except against Alicia.”

She smiled back and said, “Oh don’t worry about your wife, she’s gonna get in for sure.”

“Maybe. We hope. Fingers crossed.”

“Nah, it won’t be luck. Her body? Her face? Her attitude? She’s a natural for this.”

It made me flash back to Scots Willy, who had said Alicia was a natural at other things.

Maybe Briana could read it in my face. She giggled coyly and said, “Plus her skills.”

Her eyes opened wide and she stared into mine. A broad smile on her face. She was letting me know she knew, that she knew what those skills were. It kind of shocked me. So weird to have another girl, a girlfriend, mention it.

It made me chub up a little, talking about it with a pretty girl like Briana. I felt a surge of pride in Alicia. It wasn’t just me who knew, or rather me and Willy, or me, Willy and Alicia’s parents, or me, Willy, her parents and Eric if you count dead people. Briana kept those eyes and smile yalova escort trained on me. I pictured her doing it with her husband and chubbed a bit more.

A thought popped unbidden into my head. Briana. Naked on my bed, our bed. Me. Licking the salty sweat from between her tits, from her belly and thighs. Me. Fucking her. The old fashioned way, no frills.

I shook it off and came back to her. I feel sure that all these crazy things I think, that it’s just nerves. I hope.

I had to say something, her eyes were making me. I had to acknowledge what she said.

“Yeah. Thanks but…you know, the judges won’t even know about…ahhhh….about it. They can’t ask those questions, not even if she makes the show.”

“Well, I gave her an idea about that too.”

“What?” This could be important.

“I think I’ll just let her tell you. If she even decides to follow it up. It’s her call.”

Now I was thinking: I bet all the girls know about Alicia. Would they all tell their husbands or boyfriends? Did they know about Eric? The Exemption? Did everyone in town know all this except me? Before me? It made me shiver.

Briana looked around. We were alone and out of earshot. She looked down at the ground and changed the subject from Alicia’s known “skills”. She asked, “You two practiced woof-woof?”

Now we were into it. I was more than a little nervous, this was upper stuff. I checked around us again. Still all clear. Then I figured, hey, she knows everything else already. So I stumbled out a reply, “Ummm…yes… ummm…. yeah, we still do some of the old fashioned but a lot of the woof-woof too.”

“Good boy. I suggested Booya! next for you two. Maybe Orange Julius if there’s time. And keep a good rhythm with the others.”

I was on the verge of asking whether she was doing those as well, but checked myself in time. Totally inappropriate.

I think I might already have told you, Briana is married to an upper named Draymond. She is very discreet about their lives. Alicia and I barely know him, maybe just enough to say hi if we happen to run into him. Draymond is some sort of professor of language and media studies at our great local university. Esteemed by everyone, loved by his students, a mover and shaker in business as well as academia. A tall, handsome, erudite and well-spoken man. A pretty intimidating guy.

It’s a mixed marriage of course. He is upper, she is not. There aren’t a lot of those marriages, and theirs is the only one of which I’m personally aware. But I knew they could be difficult, for the man especially. In a mixed marriage the rules of the lower order, and that’s always the girl, apply before the wedding. Afterwards she still has her rules and he has his, but before the couple must remain all hole virgins (if there is no exemption).

You think about it, it’s totally weird. I mean an upper like Draymond fucks some random white girl and no one raises an eyebrow. But if he fucks his own fiancee then everyone gets all upset. Beyond me how they made that one up, not to criticize.

Now that she is a married girl I couldn’t help but picture them doing Shaft on a Raft or Orange. Picture I mean to the best of my ability. I know her mouth is a bit narrow. But still.

Briana went on, “Say she knows how to do woof and Booya!, let’s say you two don’t get to Orange, then plus her skill as a cocksucker, her looks and her submissive ways, put her in the right outfit, say she gets all coached up on how to Answer, then well, that’s a whole lot to sell. You guys should be confident.”

“I know, but…” I was about to say that Alicia was so modest that she always would think she had no chance. No matter what her advantages were. But I knew it wasn’t true.

Now that we were only a couple of weeks from WGPD Alicia had suddenly developed real confidence. It happened so fast it took my breath away. And made me so proud of her. A few nights earlier, right after I finished fucking her with Woodrow, she sighed and said, “When you’re with Pharaoh,…” something, whatever we were talking about. But I could tell that what she meant was, “When I’m with Pharaoh,”… She saw that I knew and said, “Oh, daydreams!” and laughed it off. But still, I could tell. What a wonderful attitude.

Anyway, I was saying to Briana, “I know, but…we’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?”

“Unless they find out something bad about her.” She was staring through yozgat escort me. Her eyes looked different.

“What? Bad? No way. I mean Alicia…there was an Exemption you know. And her parents must have agreed.”

She held my eyes for a few seconds, I could feel them. Then her face and mouth softened to a smile.

“Yeah, you’re right. No way. Crazy old me.” She smiled again and rolled her eyes. What did she mean? She looked down at her watch and said, “Oh goodness. Look at us wasting the whole afternoon. I have to get these bulbs in and get dinner started.”

“Oh, yeah. Me too. Super busy. Alicia might…”

“I know Jeff. Good chatting. I gotta run.” But she stopped again and turned back to me. “Hey, Jeff. You know something? You’re a pretty nice guy. You know that? Alicia’s lucky to have you.”

Boy did I ever appreciate that! A pretty girl like Bri complimenting both me and my wife. Nice.

Briana blew me a kiss, which was weird but kind of sexy too, and then she was off. Her jeans might have been muddy in front, but they were clean and tight across her rear end. Her butt looked like it might be almost as nice as Alicia’s. Almost. I wondered if she made that little keyhole too. No way to know. But I enjoyed the view as she scurried out to the parking lot.


At work I kept my head down, busting my butt to make the numbers.

I won Q2 by 21% after selling three strong vehicles in the last week. Ed made his nut too, but only by 5%. Jason had a smaller sales goal to begin with, and made his by 7%.

White Girl Pride Day was helping all of us sell. I moved a high end Gervex Photon Max 32000 to an old customer who wanted to upgrade so he’d have something nice to drive his daughter to the competition. Ed sold a less expensive Photon to one of his customers the same way.

I just couldn’t figure out when Roger would announce a decision. I’d given up. Jason was measuring the office for an in ground pool. Ed had been sulky and weirdly quiet. Maybe he knew about the Jason thing too. So why wouldn’t Roger just announce it was Jason and end the whole thing?

In mid July a rumor floated around. I would not even have known about it except for my best girl-buddy at the front desk, Stony Montague. Stony is a very cute 19 year old middle with a good head on her shoulders, not competing (deep chocolate). She motioned me aside and asked if it was true.

“What true?”

“You? You and Ed? You both dropped out?”

“Huh? What? Dropped out of…? You mean for Regional Sales Manager?”

“Assistant Regional Sales Manager.” Her pretty eyes danced over me.

“Yes, of course.”

“Story going around. Bobby told me on the QT. Asked if it was true. They all know I’m your girl,” she said with a pretty smile.

I stood there shaking my head.

“Story about Ed is he’s taking leave to go to an alcohol rehab program for six months.”

“Is he?” I knew it was a stupid question as soon as it came out of my mouth.

“Not unless he plans on wasting the 2 bottles of desk-gin he just asked me to pick up.”

I grunted. “Hmmm. What’s the story about me?”

“Kinda vague. Just something like you realized the job was above you, or that you realized that the big boys upstairs would never hire someone like you, someone….”

“Someone white?”

Stony laughed at that and nodded. “You’re the one who said it, not me.”

I guess I was surprised but not surprised. I was definitely super pissed off.

I stewed for a few seconds and said, “Well, you tell them for me…” Then I caught myself. Why play this stupid game? I was going to let it out for once. I said, “Wait. No, don’t say a word. I’ll handle it.”

Stony and I became good friends her first week on the job. I was leaving work and found her in the parking lot with an old junker car whose battery had died. I had cables. It was easy. She was grateful. We hit it off. For her part she said most white guys wouldn’t help a black girl. Cause of the history of white dude’s getting reamed if the girl ever cried foul. For my part I just liked her. She was smart and funny and quick. Very feminine but with a strange and wonderful toughness too. Everyone saw it. And it didn’t hurt she was so easy on the eyes.

Stony gave a little grimace and said, “Be careful Jeff.” She leaned in and gave me a hug, the only enjoyable part of my day.

We ankara escort live in amazing times. A hundred years back I would have been horsewhipped or worse for just looking at a black girl. Now a pretty girl like Stony gives me a sweet hug in public and it’s cool. How’s that for progress? Stony’s breasts are sort of like Alicia’s I think.

I didn’t mind losing if it could be fair. I was under quite a lot of stress between the job, the promotion and helping Alicia prepare for the big day. Now this stupid rumor. I was ready to snap. If Jason was going to get the job just say so. And let Roger tell me to my face that he couldn’t promote me because…

I waited till 3 p.m. till I was sure everyone was in and at his desk. I climbed up on mine, standing astride a pile of old invoices and reports.

“Ladies and Gentlemen.” They all looked over, stunned at the outlandish behavior.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” I repeated. “I’m here today to tell you that I sure hope that I get the job of Assistant Regional Sales Manager. I’m quite sure Ed hopes he does too. As far as I know Roger is still evaluating all the candidates. All of us. Let’s do this fair and square. My numbers are good, and I stand by them. Let the best man win. Thank you for your attention.”

I climbed back down. The world went quiet. Then Ed said in a loud voice, “Damn straight. My numbers are good too.” Jason kept his head down, fiddling with his cell phone. Across the room I could see Stony. Her eyes were bright and she was doing a silent faux hand clap. I winked at her and went back to work.

It was only later on the drive home that I began to worry that the story might get out, might hurt Alicia’s chances if it did.


It was right after that Alicia asked me for a favor. She asked right after fucking, which is generally a good time for a wife to ask a favor. We had tried Sweet Tea, a complicated one, and had limited success. Still the contact with her amazing pussy and the view of her still naked on the bed with legs spread, made me more than eager to help. She was filled with my boy-jam and that was enough for me.

Could I take a few hours off the next day to take her on an errand?

That complicated things a bit but I knew I’d figure it out for her. I was confused why I was needed. She had her own car.

“Sam and I were supposed to go together. She chickened out.” Alicia scrunched up her nose and said, “Pussy! And she’s not that great a cocksucker to begin with. Her husband told me…”

“Um, excuse me Alicia, I can’t quite follow you. What errand? Where?” She was under a lot of pressure and I made sure to say it in the calmest and soothingest voice possible. I was part of the team.

She calmed down then and even blushed a little. So pretty. Little droplets of shiny semen clung to the fine hairs on her pussy. So nice she hadn’t covered up yet. She looked down and touched herself gently. Then she began, “Aaah, you know that…that special…well, that skill…like I think it’s a skill…that skill I have…that I’d like…you know…for them to be at least, you know, a little aware of. The judges?”

I knew what she meant and didn’t want her to be embarrassed so I charged in, “Yes, of course, honey. I know. But what errand?”

“I….” She was having trouble so I reached out and stroked the back of her hand. I think it worked. She took a big gulping breath and the dam broke. “I made an appointment to get my tongue pierced, cause this girl I went to college with, that one year, she had one and said, you know, even if she wasn’t supposed to, none of us was married, but she was, you know, kind of with this English professor and he kind of got her into it and he was an upper so she really wanted him to be happy, not to mention he’d given her a D+ on her last paper on Chaucer or something, and she said it works great.”

“But you’re already great as a…well with that skill.”

“Yeah. But who’s gonna know? See the girl, Bethany was her name, I liked her, she was cool, she had this thing where she could sort of just flash it from time to time so you knew it was there and knew what it was for and she didn’t overdo it but sometimes in his class, like she said when she was getting bored or lost or something, and she’d do it towards him and usually that meant the end of the boring class and she could go and meet with him in his office and try, uhhhh… you know, try to get her grade up.”

So I got it finally. Briana told me she had given Alicia an idea. I was pretty sure this was it. Alicia might have just dressed it up a bit with her story about Bethany and the professor, but this was it. We talked it out a little more. I knew where we were heading. I was in.

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