Innocence Ch. 02

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Hey Readers,

I would like to Thank Each And Every One of you that read Part One of my story. All the feedback and the views and the ratings were completely unexpected as I wrote this story just to please a few people. Being that it was the first story I posted on this website, I am very pleased that you all enjoyed reading it.

I understand that the first part of the story was a bit “all over the place”, but I’m sure it will all make sense as the next parts come out.

If you are reading this part first, I would recommend that you read Part 1 before continuing on with this, as it will help you to understand it better.

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I appreciate any and all feedback!

The liquor had got the best of us. Post orgasmic bliss. We lay dazed on the living room floor. Softness pushing against my ribs. Something wet against my thigh. Soft hairs tickling my neck. The smell was definitely feminine. Limbs sprawled across my body. Lying on the floor was never this comfortable. The content purr of the woman sleeping next to me was a sound that provided me with such comfort. Her nipples softly indenting my skin. Bliss.

I didn’t want to move. Scared I would wake the beauty next to me. My dick however had other plans. It was on a rise. Inches away from poking the leg that was sprawled across my mid-section. Blood kept rushing to my organ and it reached full mast, finding its intended target. I still had my eyes closed. This time however it was definitely not a dream. There was a naked woman next to me and we had most likely passed out together.

I tried remembering what happened after dinner last night. Images flooded my mind. Blood flooded my dick. It was now throbbing against the leg. ‘Mmmmm….I heard a soft moan come from the crook my neck. The leg moved up and came down on my dick, trapping it under the heat. I was seeing my mom and sister in my head. They were being very naughty as I took pictures of them. My little sister, the one I shared many childhood memories with, was now in my mind, naked and slutty. This was not normal. Families are not supposed to be like this. Yet I couldn’t stop thinking about how her pussy looked like. It was such a cute pussy. I wanted her to sit it on my face all day long. Her taste was phenomenal. I had found a new home for my tongue to be at. Deep in her pussy. Her juices needed to be flowing over it, or it would just dry out.

My dick had also found a new home for the moment. Trapped under the leg, I started moving my hips. Thrusting myself against it. I needed to cum. Not worried anymore about waking up the woman next to me, I increased my pace. I could feel her pussy grinding on my thigh. Spreading its wetness all over it. She was still passed out, I was moving her body from my thrusting. I realised that she would not wake even from the hardest thrust. I kept at it. The feeling was amazing. My eyes still closed, picturing my baby sister. ‘Would I cum from this? I thought to myself. There was not enough lubrication for my dick to slide easily back and forth under the leg.

I needed more. I wanted to fuck whoever was next to me. I slowly opened my eyes. Feeling a bit disorientated at first, I blinked a few times, trying to get the haze out of my eyes. Looking down at myself, I saw a naked form draped across me. There was a mess of hair on my chest. A leg across my dick, and an arm trapping me under her. I nudged her with my shoulder. No response. So I lifted her off of me, and pushed her gently on to her back. What lay beside me was my very naked and vulnerable mother. I took a moment to look over her face. She was sooo pretty, just lying there. Her breathing was still soft. No signs of waking up just yet.

I was still hard. Seeing my mom like this was tempting me to just stick my dick in her pussy and pound her till she wakes up screaming. But I couldn’t do that. I looked around the room and spotted my sister. She was sleeping curled up by herself in front of the fireplace. Also naked I must add. Her blemish free back was facing me. Her cute little butt glowing in the light of dawn. ‘Another place to stick my dick, I thought to myself.

Here was my family. All of us naked in our living room. How could we explain this situation to anyone? I had to be strong for them. I couldn’t take advantage of their weakness at this time. Maybe it was the wine that got them naked for me last night, but they might feel differently when they wake up. I needed to take care of my girls and treat them as a good son and brother would. So got up and picked up my mom and set her little body down on the couch. I still took my time to check her body out, just in case this would be the last time I got to see her this way. Her boobs fell back on her chest as I set her down. Her delicious nipples crying out, just begging to be sucked on. Her skin was soo soft. I don’t know what it is with women, but their skin is just too damn soft. I just wanted to kilis escort rub my face all over body like a fucking cat. I know, yes I’m a sick fucking perv. She looked peaceful. I covered her with a thin sheet, and went over to check on my sister.

She was also purring softly, unaware of the time of day. The heat from the fireplace had her sleeping comfortably. She looked soo cute. There was no way I would have taken advantage of this cute girl in front of me. It was definitely tough to tell my dick that there would be no action this morning. I picked her up off the floor as well and set her on the love seat. She curled up and dug herself deep into the cushion, softly purring at her satisfaction of being placed on a comfortable sleeping surface. She had faced away from me, so I couldn’t clearly see her boobs, but her cute little butt was facing me. I told myself to walk away and leave her in peace, but my knees gave way and I sunk down to the level of her butt. There it was, right in front of me. The cutest butt I had ever seen. Her legs were tucked up to her chest, so her little asshole was right there to be feasted on by my hungry eyes. Her pussy was too small to be seen from this angle, I could only see her outer lips. It still looked very appetizing. I moved my head even closer to her asshole, to study it in more detail. It had a sheen of wetness over it, looked like sweat. Her scent was ever present in the air as I got even closer. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. ‘OHH GODDD…I thought to myself. How can a person smell soo good??’

I hadn’t even realized it, but my hand had reached my dick and was pulling on it. I had to control myself and not do this. It was not right. I had to leave the room and take a few moments to consider my actions of the previous day. I walked away towards the kitchen, but I looked back at the living room. It was a mess. A couple dresses were thrown about, panties on the floor, bottles and glasses on the coffee table. A couple naked girls on the couches. WOW. ‘Pinch yourself….I told myself. And I did, and it did hurt. Fuck me I am definitely not dreaming. There was a camera also lying on the carpet next to the panties. ‘Should I go pick it up and look at the pictures? I asked myself. Would it be wrong? Maybe I should just delete them and forget anything ever happened. The girls might wake up and not even know what they did last night and we could go back to being a normal family.

The latter seemed like the best choice. So I walked over to the camera and picked it up. The panties were caught on the strap. I pulled them off. They were still damp to touch. I brought them to my nose. ‘FUCKK…. I groaned. They smelled like mom. I stuck my tongue out and licked at them a bit. Delicious. I took them and the camera back to the kitchen. I was damn thirsty. Since I couldn’t stick my tongue in any of the pussies out there I had to satisfy my thirst with some cold water. I chugged a few glasses, leaned back against the counter and thought about what I would do next.

The camera was sitting right next to me. The events of last night were all captured on it. Hundreds of pictures, showing in detail everything that my mom and sister did as they posed for me. Would it be right to see this without them? Should I wait for them to wake up then share the pictures with them? I decided on waiting till they asked me questions about last night and then if need be I’d pull out the pictures.

My mom was not the type of person who would take off her clothes in front of anyone, let alone her own kids. She was not shy or conservative, but purposely flaunting her assets was not something I had ever seen her do. She rarely went on dates with anyone. Me and my sister were her only priority in life. My parents never got married even after they had both myself and my sister. My dad had a great career opportunity that involved a ton of travel, so shortly after my sister was born, he left. Mom never let that bother us. She was always there for us when we needed her. They had separated on amicable terms, still remaining great friends. Although we never got to see him much growing up, we knew he still loved us. He just loved his job about the same. The great thing about his job was that it paid very well. We were never short of money. His way of loving us was sending mom a great big check containing a couple commas every few months.

My dad’s name is Martin Laurent. In case you might not have heard of him, he is the CFO for a major company based out of Italy. His lifestyle involves many fancy dinners every week, a couple fine ladies after that. When you have that kind of money people throw themselves at you. It doesn’t hurt that he is also a good looking man. Who do you think I get my good looks from?’

My mom, Patricia, or Trisha as she likes to be called, had other plans for her life. She wanted to be a housewife living in Montana. Having all the money meant very little to her. We lived in a comfortable kırıkkale escort sized house. We didn’t need a mansion. The money she got was almost always transferred straight away into education funds for me and Sasha. That being said, we had a great childhood, never short of anything we needed. Except for maybe the presence of a father figure. Mom could have definitely used a helping hand raising two kids, but I never saw her struggle. She was never stressed out. Always a fun companion to us. She still made time to keep herself in great shape. So you see why I couldn’t disrespect her, by taking advantage of her.

I knew that we had fucked the night before, but would she know that. Her pussy had felt great around my dick. But she had been very drunk. ‘How would our lives change from this? Would I get kicked out of the house? I was lost in my thoughts. Still leaning on the counter, without any clothes on. I put my thoughts aside for a minute and went upstairs to get cleaned up. I went into the bathroom, closed the door behind me and took my morning piss and without incident this time hopped into the shower and got clean. I waited for a bit longer, expecting a knock at the door. I wanted someone to come in and see me. But there was no one.

I gave up on hopes of getting someone in the bathroom with me and dried off and headed for my bedroom. I climbed onto my bed and dove into my pillow. I needed to sleep on something softer than the living room floor. Sleep however eluded me. Guilt was the only thing on my mind. How could I go from being a normal son to fucking his mother in the matter a couple days? Did she let me or did I take advantage of her drunken state? It was also my first time entering a vagina with my penis. That soft, moist, heavenly vagina belonged to my mother. ‘FUCKKK….I screamed in my head. Calling myself various names, mentally beating myself up. ‘How could you fuck you own mother you fucking perv??’ I asked myself. I needed some time to sort myself out.

Stirring on the couch, Mom was waking up. Stretching languidly, she was regaining consciousness. Her head felt fuzzy. Cotton balls were in her mouth. She needed water, badly. Her body was showing all the signs of a severe upcoming hangover. Groggy as hell she made her way to the kitchen. Grabbing the nearest glass she gulped down a couple glasses of cold water. Her thirst partly quenched. She still had no idea what she was doing. There was a pounding in her head that would not go down. The light was too intense even though none of the blinds were open. She needed medication, so she walked over to the cabinet with all different types of pills. With some difficulty she found the Advil bottle and popped off the safety cap and took a couple down with more water. She sat down at the table, her ass feeling the wood of the chair in a way she had never felt it before.

There was nothing in between her ass and the wood. ‘I must be naked, she thought to herself. She didn’t even care. She put her head down on the table and waited for the Advil to kick in and take care of her headache. It took a while but slowly and surely the medication did its job and mom was able to open her eyes a bit more. She looked down at herself and realized that indeed she was naked. Too tired to care, she walked back to the living room. What she saw surprised her even more. Her dress was lying on the floor along with her daughter’s dress and panties. There were glasses and bottles on the coffee table. She picked up her dress and put it on immediately. Covering herself up, even though the dress didn’t do a very good job at that. She couldn’t find her panties though. ‘How could I lose my panties? She thought to herself.

Looking around led to no success. Still without panties, feeling a little ashamed, she turned her attention towards the loveseat and saw her baby girl curled up still sleeping. Her cute butt facing her in all its naked glory. For the second time in as many days she had her daughter’s butt in front of her. She had an urge to just go over there and spank that perfect little butt to wake her up.

‘How did we end up naked and sleeping on the couches? She thought to herself. Where is Jason?’ Did he see us naked?’ OHMYGODD…What happened last night??’ She couldn’t remember a thing. It was like a black out period in her memory past the point of last night’s dinner. She knew that Jason had gotten a camera and was going to take a few pictures of them. ‘How far did the shoot go? Is that how we ended up naked? Jason wouldn’t take nude pictures of his mother. She tried to console herself. She had to talk to Jason to confirm this. With all sorts of questions on her mind she dragged herself up the stairs.

Her brain still foggy she knocked at my door. I turned my head towards my door and grumbled at it. It probably didn’t sound anything like ‘please come on in’, but mom pushed the door open and walked through into my room. I was still lying face down with kırklareli escort nothing on. What a pretty sight I must have been to her already sore eyes.

I heard a sharp intake of breath, ‘J why are you naked sweetie? Why were we all naked???’Mom asked me, her voice was still sweet as ever. No accusations were thrown at me.

‘I’m too wiped out to put on my boxers mom. I think the liquor got to us pretty bad last night.’ I told her with a straight face. I didn’t include anything extra.

‘Ok baby, did we do anything wrong?’ Mom asked.

‘I don’t remember much from last night mom. I just took a few pictures of you guys and you and Sasha did get a bit bold with some of your poses. Do you remember much?’ I replied, hoping she would find that as an acceptable description of the previous night’s events.

‘No honey, I am having a tough time remembering anything at all. I was shocked to wake up naked on my couch. Sasha is also down there naked. You didn’t go down there this morning did you? She might die from embarrassment after having you see her in this state, so please stay in your room till I get her dressed.’ Mom told me with a slight grin.

‘Ok mom, I will be up here. I don’t want to see my baby sis naked anyways.’ I said in a tone that would imply my disgust at such action. Even though I would have loved to go down there and spend as much time as I could get to just look at my sister’s cute little body.

‘Thanks babe, I will get her dressed up and take a shower. Then we can all eat some breakfast.’

I watched her back out of my door. PHEWWWW….I let out a deep sigh. I finally felt like I could breathe again. That was a tough conversation to have under any circumstance, but what made it especially tough this time was the way mom was dressed. I have no idea how words even left my mouth. In my head I was just staring at her with my jaw on the floor. The whole time she was talking to me, I was looking at how her dress was accentuating her boobs. No bra, her nipples poking out. The lace pattern on the bottom was doing nothing to hide the fact that her panties were not on her body. My dick had practically dug a hole into my mattress. I turned over and saw how angry it looked. Definitely pissed off at me for torturing it by keeping it trapped under my body weight. I said sorry to it in my mind and gave it a couple strokes to ease the pain. If anyone out there has experienced the pleasure of having your hard on trapped under you, I hope you can relate. So there I lay gently stroking my dick, all the while thanking the Lords for keeping things relatively normal with my mom and me.

Mom had headed downstairs to wake my baby sister. Sasha had not changed her position since earlier, still curled up on the loveseat. It must have been a tough decision for mom to make, waking up her baby. Mom however couldn’t let Sasha sleep nude in the living room. She approached the sleeping form of my sister with stealth like caution. She placed her hand gently on her baby’s back and started rubbing it in soft circles, while whispering in her ear to get her to wake up. This was not affecting Sasha at all, still deep in her slumber.

Her motherly touches were not working, so she had to resort to more unconventional tactics. She walked over to the living room window and pulled the blinds open. Light poured in like a tsunami. Mom underestimated the power of the light on her own hung-over eyes. Blinded momentarily, she stumbled her way back to the couch to her daughter. Sasha had her head buried in the couch cushion. The light didn’t affect her either, however her naked form was now fully on display for mom. Golden rays falling on her cute little body was a beautiful sight. Mom almost forgot her purpose for being down here. ‘Why wake up such a beauty? She thought to herself. Looking down at her own creation, she studied her baby’s body. It made her heart soar with pride, realizing that she could create such a beautiful person.

Mom leaned down and planted kisses on her baby’s exposed skin. Loving her baby. She lost count of how many kisses she had planted. Her daughter was responding to these tiny ministrations on her body. Writhing around on the couch, she seemed to be about ready to wake. Sasha stretched her limbs like a cat. Turning onto her back, her pretty little boobs now exposed. Pretty pink nipples, looking extra delicious in the golden light. Further down her body, her cute little pussy, the puffy lips were begging for attention. Mom wanted nothing more than to lean down and take one of her pretty nipples into her mouth. ‘What the hell are you doing? Mom asked herself. ‘How can you even think of such things? She’s your baby for Christ’s sakes.’

Sasha’s eyes were fluttering open, adjusting themselves to the sunlight. ‘Mmmmm…Mommy, I feel soo groggy’, she groaned. Her mouth also dry as a desert.

‘I know baby, you need to get up and I will bring you some water and Advil’, mom told her sweetly.

‘Ok mommy, are we still taking pictures for Jason?’ Sasha asked looking over at her mom, who was still dressed up in her black dress.

‘No sweetie, its already morning, we are all done with the pictures for now. I had nothing else to wear this morning when I woke up, so I had to put this dress on’, mom replied.

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