And One More, Makes Three


The summer always brought two certain things for the Morrison family. Their annual “Family Reunion,” and UNGODLY heat. This summer was no exception. Thaelor found herself at only her second reunion. The first was the summer after her mother dropped her off on this side of the family. It was awkward as hell, and just as annoying. Everyone wanted to see the “little indiscretion” that found itself into Senator Robert Morrison’s life. Everyone picked at her, prodded her, and looked at her like she was some kind of God awful science experiment that had gone horribly wrong. She hated coming to these things. It was chock full of fakes, phonies, bourgeois men who only wanted to talk about their money and position, and the even more bourgeois women who wanted to show off their new babies or their monied beau. A “Family Reunion “wasn’t even close to what it was in reality. There was no one really from her Dad’s family. Just a bunch of politicians and hangers on that schmoosed him for money and favors. The other side was all Sharmel’s kin. Drug dealers and low lives all looking to make further connects. Money, gossip, and alcohol flowed as easily as water at these things. Parasites the lot of them. It was an environment she really DIDN’T want to be at. But she wanted to spend as much time with Ryan as she could, and her father finally DEMANDED she show up. It was the heated argument that had occurred last night that occupied her mind as she sat under the shade of a tree while sitting in a bench at the country club that started her whole journey.

“You ARE going and that’s final!” Screamed Senator Morrison as he sat behind his desk.

“But Dad…I HATE these get togethers! No one really talks to me! Everyone hates my guts and I’m not too sure I like THEM EITHER! You’ve gotten along just fine the past few years without my presence, and you made that VERY CLEAR whenever they came up! Always talking about “how I make you look bad, or how you would SO rather do things differently!”

The Senator ignored that last dig with a wave of indifference. “Whatever…your ABSENSE has created an issue for me. Senator Karl’s son has asked about you, along with a slew of other important people that will be there. You have become very important to my image and my PR team thinks it would help me with my re-election chances if they could get a few pictures of us hanging out and having fun together. Besides, I AM your FATHER, you live under MY ROOF and off of MY DIME! If I demand that you scoop out the Pacific Ocean with a kid’s Sand Bucket, I EXPECT you to DAMN WELL start SHOVELING!!!!”

“Do you even HEAR yourself?! Senator Karl’s son had been arrested 10 times for domestic violence. The last girl walks with a cane and has 13 pins in her leg! But YOU sound like you’re totally ASHAMED of me or something! That I’m some kind of property that you wheel out whenever you need a “boost” to your reputation! If you didn’t want me, maybe you should’ve kept your dick to yourself!!!!”

The Senator’s gaze grew cold, his voice dropped to that barely above a whisper. “You forget yourself little girl. More importantly, you forget who the fuck I AM! YOU are MY daughter, whether I like it or not. So as of this very moment, you have a choice to make. You can either go to this reunion and put on the nicest, fakest smile, preen, dance, and jump through every hoop I tell you to. Or you can get your high yellow ass over here and service this DICK you speak of so casually: again…or you can join your oh so “precious” MOTHER if that pleases you so much. Make your choice…cause in the end, I really don’t GIVE a fuck!”

Thaelor backed out of the room, slowly. Making certain to never let her gaze move from her father. She would go to the reunion regardless of her feelings. Because if there was one thing she was DEAD certain of; her father NEVER made idol threats he was not willing to go through with.

“Is there any special dress code I have to adhere to?” She asked on her final step through his door.

The Senator returned his eyes to the papers on his desk, “Anything nice and white. I’m not a damn woman that cares about fashion. Just make sure your ass is there; and the rest of you too.”

A tiny voice from behind her broke her trance. Looking over her shoulder, Thaelor said, “What did you say?”

“I asked if I could sit here and watch the game?”

“Sure…free country.”

Thaelor half turned and her jaw almost hit the ground. Standing just behind her was perhaps the most beautiful woman she had ever seen in her life. Short, toned legs covered by a pair of chic cut-off denim shorts, a flat stomach that was shone off with a low cut, “Domma Karreen” T-shirt. Her ebony face showcased by a slick, “Page Boy” haircut. In her hands, are two tall. frosty glasses with a red liquid inside that is slowly becoming wet with condensation. But, somehow, she knew she’s seen here somewhere before. She just couldn’t place her.

“Thanks, I wanted a good spot to watch the upcoming football game. I brought this for you by the way. You looked kind Casibom of hot over here.”

Thaelor took the glass and thanked her new company.

“Thanks. I was getting kind of thirsty.” Taking a sip, Thaelor was pleasantly surprised by the fruity, yet slightly strong taste of alcohol that slid down her throat. “This is good, what is it?” Thaelor asked.

“My uncle calls it a “Tropical Tornado,” I just call it good as fuck. It’s the perfect drink to get a good buzz going on.” She said.

“Who is your uncle?” Thaelor asked “I’ve met most of the people here and I’ve never seen you before.”

“Oh…my uncle is Senator Morrison. My name’s Brittney; Brittney Walters” She replied holding out her hand.

Thaelor spit the drink out of her mouth. “Who?! Are you serious?! How is Senator Morrison your uncle?”

Brittney withdrew her hand, a look of puzzlement on her face. “By marriage. His wife is my mother’s sister. Are you ok?”

Wiping her chin and making sure she didn’t get anything on her outfit, Thaelor said. “Sorry…but Senator Morrison is my dad. I’m Thaelor Morrison.” Holding her hand back out, the women shook, finally solidifying their official greeting. “I just never knew Sharmel had a sister.”

“Oh, well…it’s not something they talk about a lot. Apparently, my Mom met uncle Robert first, but Aunt Sharmel gave it up quicker.” Brittney shook her head. “It’s amazing what some women do for the D. But my mom made out all right. She got a sure-fire NBA Hall of Famer as a consolation prize. Oh, the boys are getting ready to start.”

Across the field, the men from the party were choosing teams and getting ready to play. Unremarkably, the teams were split between “shirts and skins.” Travis chose the ball first, so his team had to take off their shirts. Ryan was among his teammates.

“MMM! DAMN! Look at all that FYNE beefcake!!” Brittney said. “If it weren’t so hot out here already, I might have HOT FLASHES!”

Thaelor chuckled. There were indeed a lot of really good-looking men out there on the field, and because Travis played in the NAFL, it was part of his JOB to stay in shape. But as muscular and good looking as he was, she only had eyes for Ryan.

“You know, I’ve seen De’matre and Kyle with their shirts off before. I even got that Pro Ball issue with Travis in it. When I told my girlfriends that he was my cousin, they kept stealing my damn magazines! I had to buy the damn thing 8 times! But De’matre and his friends are all in the “game.” I had a couple boyfriends in that stuff already. It’s not nearly as fun as it seems, and besides, they got too many hood rats around them. No thanks. I like my life as drama free as possible. I get enough of that from work.”

“Oh really?” asked Thaelor, her eyebrow raising slightly. “What do you do?”

“Oh, I’m a model and do music videos.”

That’s when it hit Thaelor where she had seen this woman before. Brittney used to be one of the hottest video vixens in the industry. She had been connected to at least 8 former top selling rappers in the game. Every video she was in used to play after 11:00 on TBN (The Black Network), on their “After Dark Video Show.”

“Wait a minute…is your name “Baby Doll?”

Brittney looked at her cousin like she dropped off another planet. “In the flesh. Are you a fan or something? I don’t have anything to write my name on, besides, out here I’m just plain old Brittney.”

“Oh no…nothing like that. I just remember seeing a couple of your videos from a few years ago. I don’t know how you could stand wearing most of those outfits. You might as well have been naked.”

“Hey…sex sells. And honestly, it sells VERY WELL! Do you remember that song “Back on the Block?” I cashed a cool $1 million dollar check from that little 3 days of work. And I get a residual every so often whenever it gets played.”

“Yeah I remember; I also remember you damn near having sex with another set of girls in that video, all before you guys stripped Ho Maxx of his clothes.”

Brittney chuckled, “That part was a little difficult. Quiet as is kept he has a little dick for a guy that’s over 6′,4″. But I keep up with a couple of the girls from that shoot to this day. Most of them are out of the video business and are wives and have kids now. One of them is a lesbian though. We hang out all the time.”

Thaelor’s ears perked up. though she wasn’t a big fan of the video itself, she WAS a fan of that scene in the video. It always used to get her hot and bothered. None of the girls in it were ugly, and if one of them was a lesbian, maybe she could get Brittney to introduce them and she could join her and Ryan.

“Yeah, she up and married some chick down in Beaumont, and now they own a crystal shop in Chaiville. You know…all that meditation, chakra, herbal tea stuff. But she’s still cool enough for a laugh. Her wife is also funny. Can’t cook worth shit though.”

The ladies shared a short chuckle, though Thaelor was a little disappointed about the girl being married. Casibom Giriş “Oh…the game’s about to start.”

For a few minutes, the girls stayed in muted silence, as they watched the men play a child’s game. Travis threw the ball like he was born to do it (which made sense, he did it for a living). But it was Ryan that was showing out. His muscles glinting in the sun as he sweat. Rippling and churning with every graceful movement, Thaelor was getting wet at the very sight of him. Remembering every thrust of his thick, hard cock into her. How his back would flare as he stretched out for a first down, or his legs would contract running, just like they did when he held her off the floor. His hands, being so big, but so soft as they touched her skin, setting her very being on fire. Without even thinking about it, she had to cross her legs.

A sharp elbow to the ribs broke Thaelor’s daydreaming. “Girl…did you see Ryan catch that pass? Now THERE is a fine looking, hunk of man right there. I almost didn’t recognize him. He used to be so small and wimpy looking. Always hanging out by himself, never saying more than a few words at a time. But he was so sweet though. A sheer gentleman back when he was a kid. I bet his girlfriend is kept happy every night by all that. Man, if I weren’t into girls, and related to him, I might have to taste some of him myself!!”

Thaelor was floored. How in the world did she just meet this girl and she was telling all her business? More importantly, she was talking about her brother. The man that was the center of her universe. She thought of trying to tell her off, but that’s when she took a really good look at her cousin. Brittney lifted the glass to her lips. They were plump and colored with an awesome shade of red that contrasted well with her skin. Her brown eyes shone even in the absence of direct light. Her face was flawless, not the hint of adolescent markings in sight. If she ever had a pimple, it only came for a visit and brought no relatives. Thaelor found herself taking in the rest of Brittney with a side eye. Her breasts were perfect. It was obvious to anyone that took a real interest, that Brittney wasn’t wearing a bra. The nipples sticking out and making dents in the front of her shirt. Further down her legs stretched out from her shorts. Although Brittney was height challenged, her legs, as Ryan liked to say went “all the way up.” Shapley and toned as if she ran miles on a regular basis. Thaelor was surprised at herself, looking at this woman, she was getting horny.

“Wait a minute…you talk like you’re HOT for my brother?!” said Thaelor. “Wouldn’t that be…incest?!”

Brittney turned to her cousin, the look on her face never changing in the slightest. “And…? What can I say…he’s cute. Is that a problem or something? To be honest…YOU’RE kinda’ cute yourself.”

Thaelor’s mind ran a mile a minute. She wondered if Ryan would be interested in Brittney at all? Had Brittney picked up that she was slightly interested in her too?

That’s when fortune showed favor to Thaelor, she noticed the middle of Brittney’s shorts were becoming quite wet as the material became darker…and was slowly spreading.

“Brittney…. are you ok? Looks like you’ve had a little accident.”

Looking down at herself, Brittney immediately became irate.

“Shit! Fuck! Not now!!! Dammit! I gotta go…I gotta get out of here. I’ll holla at you later.”

“No…wait…” said Thaelor. “Let me help you.”

Running to a nearby table, Thaelor grabbed a large table cloth. As quickly as she could, she wrapped the material around Brittney’s body, finally resembling a Roman toga. It wasn’t the best disguise, but it would do for a few minutes.

“I can’t believe this. I’m so embarrassed. You can just leave me Thaelor. Thank you anyway.”

“Nonsense. We’re family, and girls by the way. We stick together no matter what.”

Brittney looked at Thaelor with tears in her eyes. “Honey…you must not have been a part of this family for too long.”

On the way to the nearest restroom, they passed an outdoor table occupied by their mothers and their friends.

“Brittney? Girl what are YOU doing here?”

Sitting in a circle, Sharmel and her crew were drinking and playing a game of cards. The woman next to her step mother must have obviously been her sister. They looked so much alike, one might have mistaken them for twins.

“Oh come on…this isn’t my life.” whispered Brittney.

“Who is that?”

“My fucking mom. I can’t win for losing.”


“You have no idea.”

“Ok…. just act drunk.” Thaelor said. “I got this.”

Together the girls began to walk closer to the table, Brittney trying to sway back and forth as if she had had a little too much to drink.

“She’s had a little too much. I’m taking her to the little girl’s room” Thaelor remarked to the ladies at the table.

“Well that’s all nice a dandy and not a LITTLE BIT surprising.” Came the response from Sharmel’s sister. Casibom Güncel Giriş “But I wasn’t talking to YOU little girl. I was talking to that poor excuse of a wretched child that has been sucking on some alcoholic dick too much today. What are YOU doing here?!”

“I was invited you old skank!” Brittney slurred. “And I didn’t have to suck dick to get in here…it was COOCH remember!?? And it was ALLLLLL GOOD!!!! Unlike YOU I don’t get on my knees in front of every penis that crosses my face…for the price of a “Happy Meal!”

“Little ungrateful BITCH! You better MOVE YO ASS from in front of me before I lay hands on you!” Brittney’s mother stood and marched a beeline over to her daughter. Looking down, she stared Brittney dead in the eye.

“Ohhhh what you wanna do momma? Lick my cooch? Your old ass better get on before you get spit on! Oops…. too late.”

With that, Brittney let loose a full stream of piss from under the fake toga. Much of it landing directly on her mother’s rather expensive looking shoes.

“Fucking BITCH! You MOTHA’FUCKA!!!” Brittney’s mother went ballistic. Fortunately, several male attendants swooped in held her back. One going so far as to begin to wipe her feet with a towel. Just then Thaelor’s eye’s looked at the table. Sharmel was smiling from ear to ear. An eerie look that reminded her of all the smug bad guys she had ever seen on tv or the movies. But it was the other face sitting next to her that made her more uneasy. It was her half sister Monica. Instead of having an emotional response, she was flicking her tongue out of her mouth in the most sexual of ways. Even going so far as to wink at her. Thaelor wanted to throw up in her mouth.

Brittney’s weight shifted back onto her like a ton of bricks breaking her gaze. Leaning her head into her cousin’s bosom, Brittney said barely above a whisper, “Get me out of here please.” The ladies turned and continued their jaunt to the nearest restroom. Once they arrived, Brittney spun around and locked the door.

“What was THAT all about?” asked Thaelor

Spinning around Brittney leaned against the access point and began to let the water flow from her eyes.

Thaelor looked at her new cousin, her heart plummeting through the floor.

“What did I ever do to deserve this?”

Walking closer, Thaelor wrapped her arms around Brittney. Feeling the pain of a kindred lost soul. She had been here before, and the emotions came flooding back to her in an instant. Initially, there was minor resistance to the embrace, until her little body went limp and accepted the show of support. For several minutes, Brittney’s body heaved as the tears ran down her cheeks. Wetting Thaelor’s shirt in mere seconds. Before long, there was a knock at the door. Thinking it was some nosey ass relative or some woman who needed to pee, Thaelor yelled back, “GO AWAY!”

“Ma’am…it’s Francois; is everything ok? Just checking on you. Do you need anything?!”

Francois was an old friend. The man that helped her mother go calmly to the other side. A man that had taken Thaelor under his wing and shielded her every time she was at the club. A good, honest man that if her mom trusted him, then so would she.

Thaelor released Brittney from her embrace, approached the door, unlocked it, dr4ug Francois in by the lapel and locked the door back.

“Are you ladies ok?” Asked Francois in a voice that dripped with concern. “I heard about the fracas on the lawn. What was that all about…”

Thaelor immediately cut him off mid-sentence, “Thank you so much Francois. But listen, we are in a bit of a pickle. Are there any clothing stores open today in the facility?”

“Not really, your father bought out almost the entire facility for your family reunion. The only one I can think of is Jetem Le Petite, and I believe Margo is closing up in a few minutes as she was in only to go over receipts and manifests.”

“That will have to do. Can you contact her and ask if she’s still there?”

Francois fingered the mic on his walkie talkie and was answered a couple of minutes later by a soft, feminine voice tinged with a French accent.

“Ok young lady, what do you need?”

After getting her measurements, Francois told the manager to hold a new outfit for Brittney and await pick up.

Wiping tears from her eyes, Brittney exclaimed, “I didn’t think to bring my purse. It’s in my car in the parking lot.”

“Not to worry, I got you cuz.” With that Thaelor reached into her shorts, pulling out her emergency credit card that she always stowed away in the unlikeliest of needs. Handing it to Francois she asked for him to retrieve it post haste.

“I shall return swiftly madame. Just hang tight. I’ll let your father and family know you’re ok in here.”

“OH GOD NO!!!” Shouted Thaelor. “Please, if anyone asks, tell them we’ve left or something. Just don’t let them know we’re here. I believe this situation will only get worse. Just please return as soon as you can.”

“Not to worry. I’ll be back presently.” Again, fingering the mic on his radio, Francois contacted the maintenance crew and instructed them to place an Out of Order sign on the front door of the restroom. With that, he bowed to the ladies, exited the room and locked the door behind him.

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